Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Utah will develop and implement the Utah Zero Suicide Project in order to strive towards the aspirational goal of suicide as a never event for people in care. The purpose of the project is to reduce non-fatal suicide attempts and suicide deaths for adults 25+ in Utah. We propose to do this through the following goals:

· Increase access to and quality of physical and behavioral health care for those at risk for suicide
· Improve rapid follow up and care transition services for individuals at risk for suicide statewide
· Reduce access to lethal means among those identified at risk for suicide.

The Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) is committed to the adoption of the ‘Zero Suicide’ approach to behavioral health care and promotion of the approach within all health and behavioral health care settings statewide. The provision of follow-up and care coordination services for individuals discharged from emergency departments and inpatient hospital settings following a suicidal crisis will be piloted by two Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs), in an urban and rural community. This project will result in the improved ability of physical health providers, behavioral health providers, first responders, and other community and clinical service providers to respond to individuals at risk for suicide through assessment, intervention, and effective clinical care through a series of training initiatives. Annual Zero Suicide Leadership Summit, clinical training on safety planning/crisis response planning, screening and assessment of suicide risk training using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, Counseling on Access to Lethal Means and other lethal means restriction activities, Brief-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention clinician training, Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality clinician training, develop and distribute model follow-up and care transition protocols that outline best practices for ensuring patient safety for individuals at risk for suicide and best practices for communicating and referring between medical providers and behavioral health organizations; develop online enduring Continuing Medical Education training on best practices for follow-up and care transitions based on model protocols; and develop and train on suicide prevention/intervention training for Certified Peer Support Specialists. Utah has a demonstrated need to improve the skills, training, and support of the workforce to effectively respond to someone at risk for suicide and these initiatives will result in that improvement. The Utah Zero Suicide Project will result in a coordinated, sustained effort to help our state substantially reduce the suicide rates for those in care.

Tennessee’s TARGET Zero Suicide: Technology Assisted Recovery, Growth, Empowerment, and Treatment (NSSP)

The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) proposes Tennessee TARGET Zero Suicide (TARGET) to reduce suicide attempts/deaths among working-age adults ages 25-64 by developing and implementing cross-system suicide prevention strategies, including rapid and enhanced follow-up for 2,250 unduplicated adults (Yr 1: 1,000; Yrs 2-3: 1,250/yr) and prevention training for 570 providers and stakeholders.

TDMHSAS will develop partnerships with emergency departments and inpatient psychiatric units to refer at-risk adults to TARGET for follow-up care following discharge for a non-fatal suicide attempt or suicide crisis. Centerstone of Tennessee will provide telephone and/or face-to-face follow-up within 24 hours, weekly for the first month, and at 3/6/9/12 months. Follow-up will include risk assessment, development of a crisis management plan with the participant, means reduction counseling, and referrals/linkages to treatment services utilizing best practices Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Counseling on Access to Lethal Means, and evidence-based Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network will provide suicide prevention trainings for clinical providers (e.g., primary, behavioral, emergency, VA) and adult-serving systems (e.g., corrections, workforce development, human services, military). TARGET will also work to implement a Zero Suicides framework across state departments and health, behavioral health, workplace, military, justice, etc., settings. Outcomes will include reduction in suicide attempts by 30% and suicide deaths by 10%. An existing Advisory Council, comprising suicide attempt/loss survivors and other stakeholders, will support TARGET’s goals/objectives: (1) improve care transition/ coordination of at-risk adults post discharge, (2) increase the number of providers and stakeholders trained in adult suicide prevention, assessment, and treatment, (3) increase risk identification, referral, and behavioral health services utilization, and (4) implement Goals 8 and 9 of the 2012 National Suicide Prevention Strategy. Evaluation will be conducted by staff experienced in suicide prevention, and all required reports on outcomes and infrastructure development will be met.

Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (NSSP)

This project will further enhance and refine the state’s suicide prevention care pathway in behavioral health, primary care, and hospital emergency service settings. Project goals are to: (1) Increase suicide prevention and treatment capacity and implementation within behavioral health settings; (2) Increase suicide prevention and treatment capacity and implementation within hospital settings statewide; (3) Increase the number of adults at risk of suicide who are identified and receive suicide prevention competent mental health services; (4) Increase the number of effective and evidence-based clinical suicide prevention, identification and treatment practices implemented; and, (5) Improve and expanded suicide surveillance systems.

This proposed project will extend prevention and treatment services to all 77 counties through the state’s 14 community mental health centers (CMHCs), and to 6,000 practicing primary care physicians and 83 emergency rooms. The CMHCs will train clinicians in Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), and will enhance Electronic Health Record systems to include a suicide prevention care pathway. All CMHCs will implement the AVERT Suicide Risk Assessment Program to screen and assess all patients in ODMHSAS care. Contracted hospitals will provide clinical training for physicians, gatekeeper training for staff, and establish an emergency department suicide attempt database with follow up consent protocol. The project will reach nearly 1,762 individuals with suicide prevention training/education, 60,000 clients with suicide prevention screening and treatment when indicated. The project is expected to reduce the rate of non-fatal suicide attempts and deaths in adults ages 25-64.

New Mexico Human Services Department (NSSP)

This initiative is developing a Zero Suicide culture. The goals of this initiative are to: (1) promote suicide prevention as a core component of health care; (2) implement effective practices for assessing and treating those at risk for suicide; (3) ensure meaningful collaboration with people who have lived experience of suicide; and (4) implement strategies to address behavioral health disparities for those with limited access to care (e.g., people in rural and frontier areas, culturally diverse populations, and veterans). This initiative works at the local level to pilot the model and at the state level to impact policy and sustain and spread the model statewide.

The New York State Office of Mental Health’s Implementation of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP)

This project advances the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention by forming state and local coalitions that engage each organization’s leadership to commit to a “zero suicide” goal by implementing changes in their Core Values & Attitudes, by improving their systems management, and by adopting evidence-based practices. 2) to reduce suicides attempts and deaths by developing rapid follow up using the Assess, Intervene, Monitor (AIM) model and by implementing care transitions protocols that include Peer Bridgers and incorporate efforts to reduce access to lethal means. 3) to elevate suicide identification, intervention and treatment skills among staff and communality organizations persons ages 25-64, including agencies in primary care, mental health, substance abuse, justice, corrections, labor, veterans’ affairs; and emergency response teams, including the National Guard.

Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) proposes Tennessee TARGET Zero Suicide 2 (TARGET2) to reduce suicide attempts/deaths among adults ages 25 and older by expanding and enhancing suicide prevention strategies, including rapid and enhanced follow-up for 2,750 unduplicated target region adults (Yr 1: 750; Yrs 2-3: 1,000/yr) and prevention training for 300 statewide providers and stakeholders. The statewide focus population ages 25 and older is primarily white (78%), with 15% African American and 2% Hispanic/Latino. Over 13% live below poverty, 14% lack health insurance, 15% lack a high school diploma, and over 7% are unemployed. Focus population clinical characteristics (e.g., SMI, SUD, COD) are risk factors for suicide attempt/death. The focus population’s suicide rate (20.9) exceeds the U.S. rate (18), and has consistently exceeded the national rate for 15+ years. Baseline data for Tennessee reveals that 937 adults ages 25 and older died by suicide, and 6,275 were discharged (inpatient, outpatient) after non-fatal suicide attempts in 2015. The adult (25+) suicide rate among Tennessee’s minority groups other than African Americans is 11.6 versus an 8.8 national rate, and Veterans comprise 17% of state suicides.

TDMHSAS will implement the following strategies/interventions throughout TARGET2 in collaboration with project partners: Centerstone of Tennessee will provide rapid enrollment and follow-up prior to/within 24 hours of discharge and weekly for one month. Follow-up will include risk assessment, crisis management plan development, means reduction counseling, and referrals/linkages to treatment services utilizing best practices Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Counseling on Access to Lethal Means, and evidence-based Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale. TARGET2 participants will be assessed and treated according to Centerstone’s Clinical Pathway for Suicide Prevention, and Centerstone will pilot and evaluate a suicide-specific clinical treatment for those on the Pathway. The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network will provide suicide prevention trainings for clinical providers and adult-serving systems, and will assist in establishing/implementing a Gatekeeper Surveillance Network and Call Line for training participants. TARGET2 will expand the Zero Suicide framework statewide, and an existing Advisory Council, comprising suicide attempt/loss survivors, will support TARGET2’s goals, including:

(1) enhance/expand rapid follow up for adults post discharge,
(2) increase follow up and care transition/coordination for high risk adults,
(3) train community and clinical service providers and systems,
(4) collaborate with relevant sectors and with state departments/ systems to implement comprehensive suicide prevention, and
(5) implement Goals 8 and 9 of the 2012 National Suicide Prevention Strategy.

Measurable objectives include reductions in suicide attempts by 35%, suicide deaths by 20%, and service/utilization costs related to suicide by 30%. TARGET2 includes a comprehensive evaluation to develop and disseminate a thoroughly documented service model for replication and adoption.

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

The goals of the Massachusetts Adult Suicide Prevention Program (MASSP) are to:

1) create two Community Systems of Care (CSOC) integrating health, behavioral health, and suicide crisis services for the goal of Zero Suicide,
2) pilot an Engagement and Follow-up (E&F) intervention for adults transitioning after a suicide attempt,
3) promote statewide access to resources and treatment for high risk groups, and
4) institute an Adult Suicide Fatality Review Team process.

The purpose of the MASPP is to reduce the rate of suicide attempts and completions among adults. Two communities will form CSOCs, led by a Zero Suicide Learning Collaborative. The first CSOC will serve adults at high risk of suicide on Cape Cod and the Islands, a region with the state’s highest rate of suicide, largest veteran population, and a significant elderly population. A second CSOC will be created in another community with high risk groups. In addition to fostering Zero Suicide standards of organizational and clinical practice within healthcare organizations, the CSOCs will link medical, behavioral health, suicide crisis, and community organizations to integrate care and coordinate transitions for at risk adults. Improved linkages should guide patients to the most appropriate services, better coordinate care, and support at risk adults during transitions, particularly those following discharge after a suicide attempt. A comprehensive training program targeted to the suicide prevention roles staff play in different CSOC organizations will enhance their skills and confidence, improving the quality of care they provide, and resulting in more effective prevention, early intervention, and follow-up care. CSOCs will each pilot an Adult Suicide Fatality Review Team, which will identify factors contributing to suicide deaths to inform system improvement. In future years, these models will be implemented statewide, community by community. Statewide activities focus on improving identification of suicide risk among high risk groups by promoting awareness of the innovative MassMen website tailored to working age men, training gatekeepers working with unemployed adults, and increasing screening and referral by perinatal care providers serving new mothers.

Measurable impacts include:

• Increase in identification, referral, and treatment of at-risk adults
• Reduced rates of suicide deaths
• Reduced rates of suicide attempts
• Greater voice for adults with lived experience in strategic planning

The number of people served over this three year grant is projected to be 320,874, or an annual average of 106,958.

Florida – University of Central Florida

The Florida Implementation of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (FINS) Project is a partnership of the state suicide prevention infrastructure, the Inter-Agency Dissemination and Collaborative Network, which consists of the Florida Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention (SOSP), the University of Central Florida (UCF) and the University of South Florida (USF) with the Florida Hospital. Utilizing a sustainable mentorship model, FINS will adopt and integrate the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP) to ensure that health and behavioral health settings and adult serving systems (crisis centers, VA centers, correctional facilities, housing and employment centers, grass root organizations, faith-based, and other social services) are adequately prepared to identify, engage, and treat at-risk adults with culturally competent evidence-based/best-practice (EB/BP) suicide prevention, treatment, safety planning, and care coordination services. The goals/measurable objectives are to:

(a) Transform health and behavioral health system infrastructure through the development of ZS advisory committees, suicide prevention policies and procedures, and the integration of EB/BP measures and mechanisms to monitor suicide care;
(b) Enhance the collaboration of local and state-level partnerships to promote ZS and NSPL utilization;
(c) Develop workforce training capacity to utilize EB/BP suicide prevention strategies;
(d) Enhance care coordination strategies to increase the number of referrals and sustainable treatment, recovery and support linkages for at-risk adults; and,
(e) Improve the coordination, sharing, and tracking of suicide-related indicators (suicide ideation, attempts, deaths, service utilization) via regional and state-level data surveillance systems.

Over 3 years, the project will prevent adult suicide morbidity and mortality rates by:

(1) Assisting partnering systems to adopt EB/BP screening, suicide risk assessment, safety planning, and care coordination tools via ZS workshops [155 agency administrators/directors trained];
(2) Conducting EB adult gatekeeper skills training to non-clinical staff [QPR, 1,500 gatekeepers];
(3) Training clinical and medical staff in EB/BP strategies to increase capacity to conduct suicide risk assessments, safety plans, and care coordination services [QPRT (230 trained), LINC (150trained), LINC to Life Safety Planning/CALM (430 trained)];
(4) Providing EB clinical training to treat suicidal clients [DBT, 50 trained];
(5) Promoting the ZS initiative and FINS project via participation in community events/meetings and dissemination of suicide prevention materials, including NSPL materials [144 community events/meetings; 7,200 promotional materials, 3,600 NSPL materials]; and,
(6) Providing long-term care coordination services to high risk adults to ensure rapid follow-up, smooth care transitions, and sustained engagement in services [1,620 adult clients].

Quality assurance and overall program direction will be conducted by UCF and evaluation efforts will be conducted by USF. The FINS Project will pilot the model in central Florida in order to guide future suicide prevention initiatives which are planned throughout Florida.