Shannon Donnick
Shannon Donnick has been director of support services for loss survivors at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) since 2016. Her work focuses specifically on the power of peer support and the idea that healing can begin with a conversation. As a survivor of her grandmother’s suicide, Donnick combines her personal perspective on suicide loss with her training and work experience, including in the area of crisis response. An experienced suicide bereavement support group facilitator, she has facilitated numerous peer groups for adults who are coping with the loss of their siblings, parents, spouses, friends, and coworkers to suicide. At AFSP, Donnick leads the Healing Conversations Program, which is a peer-to-peer support system with over 600 volunteers that connects experienced suicide loss survivors with the newly bereaved all over the United States. She also leads training programs for both peers and clinicians who are eager to better understand and support the suicide loss survivor community.