• Resources for Survivors of Suicide Loss

    After A Suicide Resource Directory: Coping with Grief, Trauma, and Distresshttp://www.personalgriefcoach.netThis online directory links people who are grieving after a suicide death to resources and information. Alliance of Hope for Suicide Survivorshttp://www.allianceofhope.orgThis organization for survivors of suicide loss provides information sheets, a blog, and a community forum through which survivors can share with each other. […] See more...

  • West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

    West Virginia’s Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) in partnership with Regional Youth Services Centers, Educational Institutions and Premier Hospital Health Systems seeks to reduce the rate of youth suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide deaths in WV through the development and implementation of a collaborative and coordinated statewide prevention and intervention strategy […] See more...

  • Building a Suicide Prevention Infrastructure

    Building a Suicide Prevention Infrastructure

    Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show the national suicide rate decreased 2.1% between 2018 and 2019. The CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) analysis, Changes in Suicide Rates—United States, 2018-2019, shows specific declines in the rates of suicide in females and males and in certain age groups, states, counties, […] See more...

  • Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors, Second Edition

    We are pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors. Developed by EDC and Samaritans, Inc., in consultation with other national experts, this guide provides critical information and practical advice to help funeral directors better serve people who are bereaved by a suicide loss. It includes a new table […] See more...

  • INDIANA: Suicide Prevention at Church: “It’s OK to Have a Therapist and Jesus, Too”

    Indianapolis Recorder A faith-based program in Indianapolis is offering a safe space for people affected by suicide and mental health issues. Located at the Scott United Methodist Church, the Project WINGS Mental Health and Wellness Ministry runs support groups for youth and suicide loss survivors. Participants learn about stress reduction techniques, such as journaling and […] See more...

  • Faith Communities as Suicide Prevention Partners

    Faith Communities as Suicide Prevention Partners

    Brandon Johnson, MHS; Melinda Moore, PhD Faith communities are an ideal setting to address suicide, promote help-seeking, and mobilize compassionate volunteers to support those who are struggling. To help develop capacity and begin conversations about suicide prevention in communities of faith, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) Faith Communities Task Force has developed the Faith.Hope.Life. campaign and […] See more...

  • OREGON: HOPE, HEALTH, AND HEALING: Key Stakeholders Convene on Suicide Postvention Plan

    The Chronicle Community members in Columbia County recently received training in suicide postvention. The four-day session focused on how to develop a coordinated response to a suicide death that promotes healing and reduces risk in the community. It covered 15 key ingredients to effective postvention, such as promoting safe messaging, supporting loss survivors, and preventing […] See more...

  • Supporting Survivors of Traumatic Events

    Supporting Survivors of Traumatic Events

    A few weeks ago, we witnessed the tragic suicide deaths of several individuals who had been affected by school shootings. The national suicide prevention field was quick to respond with press releases highlighting help and prevention resources, and consultation with national news media to help them shape their coverage of these deaths. In the aftermath of these losses, let’s […] See more...

  • AUSTRALIA: Victorian Hospital Outreach Post-suicidal Engagement Expands to Include Wimmera

    The Stawell Times-News A program for suicide attempt survivors is expanding across the Australian state of Victoria. The Hospital Outreach Post-suicidal Engagement (HOPE) program provides follow-up support to people who have visited a hospital for a suicide attempt. For up to three months after their hospital visit, the program helps individuals and caregivers identify risk […] See more...

  • Survivors of Suicide Attempts

    New findings suggest that an eight-week support group, Survivors of Suicide Attempts (SOSA), may help decrease suicidal symptoms and increase resilience among suicide attempt survivors. Researchers recruited 92 attempt survivors through the Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services crisis line and local provider referrals. Participants completed a series of assessments on hopelessness, resilience, and suicidal ideation, […] See more...

  • 10 Things Suicide Attempt Survivors Want You to Know

    Health Suicide attempt survivors are sharing their unique insights to spread empathy for those who are struggling. They recommend talking with anyone who might be suicidal and asking them how they are. Instead of trying to offer solutions, listen and let them know you care. Feeling connected to others can help reduce the isolation of […] See more...

  • Help & Hope for Survivors of Suicide Loss

    This short booklet is designed to assist the newly bereaved without an overwhelming amount of information at a painful time. Sections include: Grief and coping; Tips for telling family and friends; Talking to children and youth; Helping someone after a suicide loss; How to remember a loved one; How to manage social media; Financial concerns […] See more...

  • TEXAS: Suicide Prevention Efforts Focus on Small Texas Towns

    The Texas Tribune A new service in Denton County, Texas provides resources and support to survivors of suicide loss in the community by mobilizing teams of mental health professionals and trained volunteers who have themselves lost loved ones to suicide. A collaboration between the mental health authority and medical examiner’s office, Local Outreach to Suicide […] See more...

  • WASHINGTON: Forefront launches suicide prevention effort in three rural Washington counties

    UW Today The organization Forefront: Innovations in Suicide Prevention will be implementing a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention in three rural Washington counties with high suicide rates. It will provide training in suicide prevention and preparation in addressing suicidal crises, reaching a wide range of people, including school staff, emergency responders, mental health and health […] See more...

  • International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    Saturday, November 21, 2015 is this year’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. This observance began in 1999 when Senator Harry Reid, himself a loss survivor, introduced a resolution to designate the Saturday before Thanksgiving National Survivors of Suicide Day—an occasion for families and friends of people who died by suicide to join together for healing […] See more...

  • “It’s no longer dark”: Suicide attempt survivors share messages of hope

    WBUR Some survivors of suicide attempts who have recovered from their suicidal thinking are seeking ways to help others by sharing their own stories, and are an increasingly important voice in the field of suicide prevention. Craig Miller, author of the memoir This Is How It Feels, facilitates a support group for suicide attempt survivors and […] See more...

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The First Ten Years

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The First Ten Years

    The tenth anniversary of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides an opportunity to look back and ask “What have we accomplished?” The first accomplishment that comes to mind is the expansion of our services. In 2005, we started with a network of 109 centers and answered about 20,000 crisis calls. In 2014, our expanded network […] See more...

  • Tribal members walk to shed light on suicide

    The Yakima Herald-Republic On September 12, many American Indian tribes held walks in honor of National Suicide Prevention Week. For the Yakama Nation in Washington State, this was the first observance of its kind, and organizers were pleased at the turnout of around 200 people. The event included a lunch, a balloon release, and a […] See more...

  • Suicide survival stories must be told, says Australian mental health chief

    The Guardian A recently published study of several Australian suicide attempt survivors highlights the importance of including survivor perspectives in our understanding of suicide prevention, according to Ian Hickie, the national health commissioner and executive director of the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Institute. “Like many people who have been through a difficult health […] See more...

  • Moving Forward with Attempt Survivors

    Moving Forward with Attempt Survivors

    The suicide attempt survivor movement had its origins in courageous acts of self-disclosure by a small number of pioneers who worked to shed the oppressive weight of stigma, shame, and silence. By writing, speaking, and networking, they helped attempt survivors get a seat at the suicide prevention table. Early progress was heralded by events like […] See more...

  • Suicide prevention sheds a longstanding taboo: Talking about attempts

    The New York Times The governing board of the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) has voted to add a new division to the organization, representing people who have survived a suicide attempt. This decision opens the way to a fuller inclusion of survivors’ perspectives in presentations and conversations about suicide prevention.  “We as a field […] See more...

  • Faith Communities

  • The Healing Power of Representation

    The Healing Power of Representation

    The Healing Power of Representation In mainstream media, American Indians and Alaska Natives are often portrayed as relics of the past, fairytales, myths, and stereotypes. Native people are seen as barriers to progress, enemies of society, and pagan savages to be civilized. Authentic stories of Native people living, working, and loving in modern times are […] See more...

  • UNITED KINGDOM: “The Grief Can Damage Your Mental Health”

    BBC News British charitable organizations are seeking to help the bereaved through peer support. By connecting individuals who have experienced similar types of loss, these organizations hope to counter the sense of isolation and distress that often follows the death of a loved one. For example, Way: Widowed and Young offers support groups for those […] See more...

  • Changing the Conversation

    Changing the Conversation

    September is an important month for suicide prevention. World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10, 2016) and National Suicide Prevention Week (September 5–11, 2016) provide us with opportunities to encourage people who are struggling with suicidal behavior to seek help, to assist friends, family members, and helping professionals in supporting individuals who are struggling with suicidal […] See more...

  • Overcoming Fear Together

    Overcoming Fear Together

    Although the field of suicide prevention has made enormous strides in recognizing the contributions of people with lived experience, it has not totally overcome the fear of engaging suicide attempt survivors in their own recovery as well as in efforts to prevent suicide and improve the systems that help people recover. Attempt survivors are still […] See more...

  • Postvention as Prevention

    Postvention as Prevention

    The term “postvention” is a great example of suicide prevention jargon that means little to those outside the field and may actually contribute to misunderstanding. Postvention refers to activities which reduce risk and promote healing after a suicide death. Although postvention is implemented after a suicide it is essential that we prepare for postvention before a suicide – […] See more...

  • A Vision for Research

    A Vision for Research

    Private Sector Co-lead, Research Prioritization Task Force, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention; Representative, National Council for Suicide Prevention; Chair of the Board, The Jed Foundation At the end of 1998 I lost my son Jed to suicide. Since then, like so many survivors, caregivers, and advocates, I have worked hard to understand this unendurable […] See more...