Search Results for: school resources

  • A Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary and Resources

    This document was developed by ensuring that local policies are in line with the latest research in the field of suicide prevention and identifying best practices for a national framework. The model is comprehensive, with modular language that may be adapted to draft policies based on the unique needs of individual districts. The language and […] See more...

  • After a school tragedy: Readiness, response, recovery & resources

    This resource helps schools support students and families in the aftermath of violence and trauma by providing strategies for readiness, response, and recovery. The focus is on the after-effects of traumatic events such as school shootings or suicides and how things like complicated grief and survivors’ guilt can place students at risk for suicide. Resources […] See more...

  • Responding After a Suicide: Best Practices for Schools

    Schools that experience a suicide in their communities are often uncertain about how to respond and can benefit from others with expertise in this area. State and local organizations contacted by schools in crisis can assist by providing information about best practices and practical resources. This webinar presents safe and effective ways in which schools, […] See more...

  • A Strategic Approach to Suicide Prevention in High Schools

    This webinar provided an overview of the research on school-based suicide prevention programs and identified resources that can be helpful in developing and implementing your own program.  In addition, it offered examples of how two states developed programs to prevent suicide in a variety of school systems, including those serving ethnically diverse students. While this […] See more...

  • Middle School

    Middle school is an important setting for supporting mental health and suicide prevention among youth. Bullying and cyberbullying are key risk factors to consider. A comprehensive approach to suicide prevention in this setting should include efforts targeting groups at risk, as well as general activities aimed at creating a positive and supportive school environment and promoting connectedness for all students. […] See more...

  • High School

    Suicide prevention programs in high school settings should use a comprehensive approach that combines multiple strategies addressing the risk and protective factors in the student population. These strategies can include protocols for educating students and parents about suicide prevention, training school personnel, identifying and helping students at risk, and responding after a suicide death. All suicide prevention programs should ensure that resources […] See more...

  • Schools

  • Suicide Prevention in Schools: Strategies for COVID-19

    Suicide Prevention in Schools: Strategies for COVID-19

    Addressing the mental health needs of students in school communities is more important than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the stress and trauma faced by many students while bringing new challenges, such as isolation and increased risk for adversity at home. Schools play a unique and critical role in addressing the pandemic’s potential mental health effects and preventing suicide. While […] See more...

  • Upstream Suicide Prevention in Connecticut Elementary Schools

    Upstream Suicide Prevention in Connecticut Elementary Schools

    In this five-minute story, Heather Spada from United Way of Connecticut describes her state’s effort to create and implement an upstream suicide prevention curriculum in elementary schools. Featuring Gizmo the therapy dog, Gizmo’s Pawesome Guide to Mental Health is helping elementary school staff effectively teach children about mental health, life skills development, and social connectedness. This effort […] See more...

  • Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Mental Health Providers

    Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Mental Health Providers

    This sheet provides information and resources on suicide prevention for high school mental health providers. See more...

  • Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Teachers

    Preventing Suicide: The Role of High School Teachers

    This sheet provides information and resources on suicide prevention for high school teachers. See more...

  • Coping after suicide loss: Tips for grieving adults, children and schools

    This resource provides guidance on how to cope with one’s own emotions after the suicide death of a friend or family member, how to talk to children and teens about a suicide and how schools should safely handle communicating about a suicide death in the school community. Help resources are also provided. See more...

  • Get Ready for School

    Get Ready for School

    August is a time when many people head to the beach or mountains to take a well-deserved break from their jobs, find relief from the heat, and spend time with friends and family. But for school teachers and administrators, August is spent writing lesson plans and attending to the many things that need to be […] See more...

  • Don’t do it alone: A school system rises to the challenge of three student suicides

    Larry Berkowitz, EdD, director of Riverside Trauma Center, discusses developing a school postvention response by sharing an example about a large suburban school system. The school system’s postvention plan helped them respond with care and consistency to the deaths of three students in one school year, and implement a planning process that drew on community resources […] See more...

  • Recommendations for School-Based Suicide Prevention Screening

    Recommendations for School-Based Suicide Prevention Screening

    These recommendations for school-based screening are based on a literature review and the experience of Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grantees. See more...

  • Postvention standards manual: A guide for a school’s response in the aftermath of a sudden death

    The following manuals are undergoing revisions and will be made available as soon as they have been completed. STAR-Center recommends that school districts, working closely with their community resources, prepare for tragedies by developing policies and procedures that may be activated on very short notice. This manual is intended to help school personnel prepare for […] See more...

  • The Wisconsin components of school-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention model

    Outlines essential components, and provides guidelines and procedures for schools to follow for suicide prevention, intervention and postvention for Wisconsin. Appendices include procedures for crisis teams, communicating with the media, facts about suicide and local and national resources. See more...

  • Youth suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention guidelines: A resource for school personnel

    This guide describes the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention program. It also includes an assessment form for schools to determine if they are ready to manage suicidal behavior; detailed guidelines for implementing suicide intervention and postvention in schools; and appendices with related materials, including forms and handouts. The Maine Youth Suicide Prevention, Intervention […] See more...

  • Addressing self-injury in the school setting

    Journal of School Nursing. 2008 Jun; 24(3): 124-30. A comprehensive plan for school nurses and guidance department staff. Discusses: the alarming increase of self-injurious behavior among adolescents; school nurses, educated about self-injury, as resources for other school staff members; prevention strategies for all adolescents and for at-risk adolescents; referral and early access to counseling; and […] See more...

  • Media guidelines for school administrators who may interact with reporters about youth suicide

    This brief manual explores how media accounts can actually serve as a suicide prevention tool by: assisting news professionals to report responsibly and accurately; using a media request for information as an opportunity to influence the contents of the story; emphasizing the importance of listing available community resources for individuals at-risk and describing what is […] See more...

  • Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death

    Lifelines postvention: Responding to suicide and other traumatic death is a 170-page manual with accompanying CD that provides a template for creating a school-based response to the death of a member of the school community by suicide or other traumatic means. The manual emphasizes the critical, but limited, role of the school in managing the […] See more...

  • Communication and Support as Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth

    Positive messaging and community support can help promote well-being among LGBTQIA2S+ youth, a new study found. The results suggest a need for increased efforts to communicate with and about LGBTQIA2S+ youth to support their mental health and prevent suicide. This qualitative study aimed to examine how positive communications and interactions can promote mental health and […] See more...

  • Be the Change: How to Support Suicide Prevention Efforts This September

    Be the Change: How to Support Suicide Prevention Efforts This September

    This Suicide Prevention Month, let's encourage everyone to get involved. See more...

  • Meeting Rural Men Where They Are

    Meeting Rural Men Where They Are

    To reduce suicide rates among rural men, we need to meet them where they are. See more...

  • Black History Month: An Invitation to Cultural Humility

    Black History Month: An Invitation to Cultural Humility

    Learn how to foster the three elements of cultural humility and incorporate them in your work. See more...

  • 13 Reasons Why

    SPRC has received many questions about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why (13RW). We list the most common questions from parents, schools, media, and community leaders below, with resources to help you talk about the series and suicide risk and prevention. If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or if you are concerned that someone you […] See more...

  • Suicide Prevention among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth: Expanding the Frame and Broadening Our Approaches

    This webinar will focus on reducing risk for suicide and increasing positive outcomes for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth. Event Presenter(s) Effie Malley, MPA is Director of the National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide at the American Association of Suicidology. She previously worked at the national Suicide Prevention Resource Center where she […] See more...

  • Advancing Suicide Prevention Practice in the Emergency Department Setting

    Suicide attempts make up an increasing proportion of emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations, and the care received during and subsequent to an ED visit by persons at risk for suicide can have long-term consequences—either good or bad. This webinar presents a cross-section of promising and evidence-based strategies for preventing suicide among patients visiting the […] See more...

  • Suicide Narratives in the News Media: What Effect Might They Have and What Can We Do?

    The news media do more than report facts, they tell stories about events and people. These narratives can influence public perceptions about issues, including their causes and appropriate solutions. For example, extensive news coverage of suicides among LGBT youth, military service members, and individuals affected by the U.S. economic crisis has created a basic storyline […] See more...

  • Promoting Connectedness to Prevent Suicide

    Evaluations of interventions directed toward preventing suicidal behavior have shown that promoting connectedness is a promising suicide prevention strategy. Connectedness to others, including family members, teachers, coworkers, community organizations, and social institutions, is an important protective factor. Positive relationships can help increase a person’s sense of belonging, foster a sense of personal worth, and provide […] See more...

  • The Patient Safety Screener: A Brief Tool to Detect Suicide Risk

    This seven-minute video describes the first part of the Patient Safety Screener, the Patient Safety Screener (PSS-3), a tool for identifying patients in the acute care setting who may be at risk of suicide. The PSS-3 can be administered to all patients who come to the acute care setting, not just those presenting with psychiatric […] See more...

  • Promoting Help-Seeking Among College Students: Strategies for Suicide Prevention

    This webinar will focus on one component of a comprehensive, public health approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion on campuses: increasing student help-seeking. Presenters will share recent research findings and will describe strategies their campuses are employing to increase the likelihood that a student who needs mental health services will seek out and […] See more...

  • Advances in Suicide Prevention: Research, Practice and Policy Implications for LGBT Populations

    In its efforts to address behavioral health disparities, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has prioritized the goal of suicide prevention among vulnerable populations, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans. Despite strong indications of elevated risk of suicidal behavior in LGBT people, limited attention has been given to research, interventions, or suicide […] See more...

  • Advances in Suicide Prevention: Research, Practice, and Policy Implications for LGBT Populations

    In its efforts to address behavioral health disparities, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has prioritized the goal of suicide prevention among vulnerable populations, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans. Despite strong indications of elevated risk of suicidal behavior in LGBT people, limited attention has been given to research, interventions, […] See more...

  • Micro-Learning


    Micro-learning provides short, targeted learning experiences. Each micro-learning resource provides relevant, practical information to help you build skills and improve outcomes. SPRC micro-learning resources can be viewed at any time on any device, so they’re always at your fingertips. A Lived Experience Story About What Makes a DifferenceWatch this brief video to learn from a […] See more...

  • Using Surveillance Data in Suicide Prevention

    Designed for suicide prevention practitioners, Using Surveillance Data in Suicide Prevention offers an overview of common terms and concepts used in epidemiology. This one-hour podcast also provides information on how to identify and find data for suicide prevention, and explores traditional and non-traditional partners who can help in this effort. The podcast offers a real-life example on […] See more...

  • Promoting Treatment Strategies that Enhance Family and Social Connectedness

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youths ages 10-24 and suicide death rates are rising. This presentation describes the Family Intervention for Suicide Prevention, a component of the SAFETY program. This trauma-informed youth and family-centered approach aims to enhance protective processes and social connections in the family and social environment that can […] See more...

  • Collaboration Is Key to Upstream Suicide Prevention

    Collaboration Is Key to Upstream Suicide Prevention

    Learn how SPRC’s new Best Practices Registry will help you incorporate upstream suicide prevention in your work. See more...

  • Communities

    The community is an important setting for suicide prevention. A wide variety of community groups and organizations, including schools, after-school programs, health care providers, workplaces, and places of worship, can all work together to carry out prevention activities that reflect local needs and resources. Forming a broad-based suicide prevention coalition can be an important first step to understanding the suicide […] See more...

  • Core Competency: Communication and Marketing

    Communication comes into play at every step of your grant effort. To involve stakeholders and get community buy-in, you need to communicate your program goals and how they relate to local priorities. Many grantees develop social marketing or awareness campaigns during their grant to promote help seeking among youth or to obtain support from friends […] See more...

  • Core Competency: Partnerships and Collaboration

    It’s impossible to develop a successful suicide prevention strategy without help and input from others. Bringing together a range of partners gives you the opportunity to interact with folks already involved in suicide prevention, as well as those in related fields, who may offer key resources and perspectives that are critical to a comprehensive response. […] See more...

  • Guide

    State suicide prevention programs play a critical role in providing consultation and training to local health departments and many others at the state and local levels. Recommendations Related Tool Guide Recommendation: Ensure the ability to plan, provide, and evaluate guidance for state, county, and local efforts The lead organization or a designee should be able […] See more...

  • Build

    A key function of state suicide prevention programs is to oversee the implementation and evaluation of suicide prevention programming. To maximize resources available for program implementation, state-level efforts must include a combination of strategies that are supported by the best available evidence, are most appropriate for their context and populations, and are best able to […] See more...

  • Partner

    As described in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, suicide prevention requires a multifaceted approach that focuses on risk and protective factors at individual, family, community, and societal levels. As a result, prevention efforts are more likely to succeed when they involve multiple partners from the public and private sectors to increase the capacity and […] See more...

  • About the Recommendations

    Working Definition A state’s concrete, practical foundation or framework that supports suicide prevention-related systems, organizations, and efforts, including the fundamental parts and organization of parts that are necessary for planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability. Since its inception in 2002, SPRC has worked with state suicide prevention leaders to help them build a strong prevention infrastructure […] See more...

  • Promote Social Connectedness and Support

    Promote Social Connectedness and Support

    Social support and connection are key protective factors against suicide. Positive and supportive social relationships and community connections can help buffer the effects of risk factors in people’s lives. Programs and practices that promote social connectedness and support are one element of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. What Is Connectedness? In 2011, the Centers […] See more...

  • Reduce Access to Means of Suicide

    Reduce Access to Means of Suicide

    Reducing access to lethal means of self-harm for a person at risk of suicide is an important part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Firearms are the most lethal among suicide methods. Also of concern are medications that are lethal at high doses.  Why It’s Important Here are some of the reasons why reducing […] See more...

  • Provide for Immediate and Long-Term Postvention

    Provide for Immediate and Long-Term Postvention

    When a person dies by suicide, many others are deeply affected: What is Postvention? Postvention is a term often used in the suicide prevention field. The definition below is from the U.S. national guidelines developed by the Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force.1 [Postvention is] an organized response in the aftermath of a suicide to […] See more...

  • Identify and Assist Persons at Risk

    Identifying persons who may be at risk for suicide is a key part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Family members, friends, teachers, coaches, coworkers, and others can play an important role in recognizing when someone is at risk or in crisis and then connecting that person with the most appropriate sources of care. […] See more...

  • Step 1: Describe the Problem and Its Context

    Step 1: Describe the Problem and Its Context

    Step 1 of the strategic planning process is to describe the problem and its context. That means being able to answer questions, such as:  With a solid understanding of suicide in your state or community, you will be able to determine targeted and evidence-based responses. This information can also help you make the case to stakeholders that prevention efforts […] See more...

  • Topics and Terms

    Topics and Terms: This page offers definitions of terms commonly used in suicide prevention. Many of these terms are also used in other public health and behavioral health contexts, where they may be defined somewhat differently. Assessment A comprehensive evaluation, usually performed by a clinician, to confirm suspected suicide risk in a patient, estimate the […] See more...

  • National Organizations and Federal Agencies

    Many national organizations and federal agencies are involved in suicide prevention. They are valuable sources of information, and some offer funding opportunities, training, technical assistance, and resources.  U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) SAMHSA funds and supports the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and SPRC and manages the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention […] See more...

  • Recover Together

    Recover Together

    At SPRC, we believe in the power of words to help effect positive change, in people and the world around us. But after recent incidents of mass violence, we’ve struggled with the limitations of language to convey what many of us have at times felt—grief, anger, even despair—and to communicate a helpful vision for a […] See more...

  • Child Abuse Prevention Is Suicide Prevention

    Child Abuse Prevention Is Suicide Prevention

    As pandemic disruptions stretch into a third year, creating supportive environments for children and families can help reduce the risk of child maltreatment—and prevent suicide. Throughout COVID-19, risk factors for child abuse and neglect are up, which may increase the short- and long-term risk of suicide. Providing families with the supports they need now can […] See more...

  • Stepping Up and Affirming LGBTQI+ Youth

    Stepping Up and Affirming LGBTQI+ Youth

    At the beginning of March, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra released a statement reaffirming HHS support and protection for LGBTQI+ children and youth. The statement was made in response to state legislatures enacting an unprecedented number of anti-LGBTQ+ policies in 2021. According to the Human Rights Campaign, 2021 saw the highest number of anti-LGBTQ+ state laws passed […] See more...

  • The Power of Listening

    The Power of Listening

    In honor of Pride Month, we had the pleasure of speaking with Sam Brinton about LGBTQ youth mental health and lived experience in suicide prevention. A leading advocate for LGBTQ youth worldwide, Brinton is The Trevor Project’s vice president of advocacy and government affairs and a member of SPRC’s Lived Experience Advisory Committee. Q1. The […] See more...

  • Child Abuse Prevention is Suicide Prevention

    Child Abuse Prevention is Suicide Prevention

    It is becoming more evident that preventing child maltreatment can help prevent suicide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, risk factors for child abuse and neglect are elevated, which may increase the risk of suicide in both the short and long term. Providing families with the supports they need now can help protect children from maltreatment and […] See more...

  • A New Partnership for Suicide Prevention

    A New Partnership for Suicide Prevention

    This Suicide Prevention Month, we have some good news to celebrate: the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) has been funded for another five years! We are delighted to announce a new partnership between the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC), the University of Oklahoma Outreach Southwest Prevention Center (SWPC), and Education Development Center (EDC) […] See more...

  • Building Life Skills, Connectedness, and Resilience in Youth

    Building Life Skills, Connectedness, and Resilience in Youth

    The Challenge Many youth in the juvenile justice system face very difficult life circumstances, such as poverty, unstable households, mental health issues, disabilities, and low educational achievement.1 Just as disheartening, these incarcerated youth also have higher rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors than their peers.2 Several years ago, Native Americans for Community Action, Inc. (NACA) in northern Arizona noticed that […] See more...

  • The Suicide and Opioid Link: Translating Knowledge into Action

    The Suicide and Opioid Link: Translating Knowledge into Action

    The intersection between suicide and the opioid epidemic was front and center at this year’s American Association of Suicidology (AAS) annual conference, as our field explored the theme of “Converging Fields, Expanding Perspectives.” Presentations ranged from data mapping of suicide and opioid overdose hotspots to better understanding the language and context of the substance abuse prevention and treatment […] See more...

  • Community support resource for those impacted by gun violence

    This resources helps community members identify and support those impacted by mass shootings such as the Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School and Sandy Hook. Milestone anniversaries and heightened media attention have shed light on the lasting impact on communities and individuals involved in these tragic events. While many survivors are resilient, some trauma survivors, loved […] See more...

  • Supporting Survivors of Traumatic Events

    Supporting Survivors of Traumatic Events

    A few weeks ago, we witnessed the tragic suicide deaths of several individuals who had been affected by school shootings. The national suicide prevention field was quick to respond with press releases highlighting help and prevention resources, and consultation with national news media to help them shape their coverage of these deaths. In the aftermath of these losses, let’s […] See more...

  • Moving into a New Year

    Moving into a New Year

    Happy New Year! As 2019 begins, please join us in pausing to reflect on some milestones from the past year in suicide prevention, as well as how we can make the most of the year to come. In 2018, suicide prevention continued to gain momentum as a national priority, with increased public awareness and media […] See more...

  • Addressing Suicide among Black Americans

    Addressing Suicide among Black Americans

    Our national conversation about suicide prevention has included a recent focus on the increased risk of suicide among Black children under the age of 12 and the possible factors linked to it.1-3 A similar uptick in scientific and public attention occurred about 20 years ago, when studies highlighted a marked increase in suicide rates among Black […] See more...

  • Help the Helpers: Taking Time for Self-Care

    Help the Helpers: Taking Time for Self-Care

    I often reflect on how fortunate we are, in suicide prevention and related fields, to work with such compassionate people, dedicated to reducing suffering and saving lives. Whether working at the national, state, or community level, we regularly meet people who work tirelessly to help others—day and night, week after week. Many of us have […] See more...

  • 13 Reasons Why: An Opportunity for Prevention

    13 Reasons Why: An Opportunity for Prevention

    Last year, the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why made quite an impact. Teens and young adults were mesmerized by a show that tackled the issues of bullying, sexual assault, and suicide head-on, and in graphic detail. Parents, schools, and suicide prevention professionals were frustrated that the show took a potentially unsafe approach, worried about the show’s impact […] See more...

  • Technology and Suicide Risk: Moving Beyond Fear to Opportunity

    Technology and Suicide Risk: Moving Beyond Fear to Opportunity

    Communication has changed in the 10 years since I started at SPRC, especially in our virtual lives. On my ride to work on the commuter rail these days, most of the passengers are texting, checking news updates on tablets, and working on laptops, when just a few years ago we might have been reading books […] See more...

  • 13 Reasons Why

    This resource lists common questions about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why from parents, schools, the media, and community leaders, with resources to help you talk about the series and suicide risk and prevention. See more...

  • Youth suicide and self-harm prevention: 2017 resource guide

    This guide divides selected resources into seven main sections: (1) Organizations, (2) Policy and Legislation, (3) Evidence-Based Practices, (4) Program Planning, (5) Campaigns, (6) Data and Research, and (7) Resources and Publications. There are subsections on (1) Bullying; (2) Family; (3) Electronic, Social, and Mass Media; (4) Mental Health; (5) Schools; (6) Substance Use; (7) […] See more...

  • Changing the Story

    Changing the Story

    I’m a commuter. Twenty-five miles and approximately an hour (two or three when it snows) one way every day for 15 years. I’ve never counted, but I make my way through at least 30 traffic lights on one of the busiest roads in Colorado. It’s cool—I’m used to it and it gives me time to […] See more...

  • The New

    The New

    The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is proud to announce the launch of its new website, which was designed to reflect the enormous progress made in the science and practice of suicide prevention since SPRC first went online in 2002. In the last 14 years, we have increased our understanding of why people die by […] See more...

  • Surveillance Success Stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe

    Surveillance Success Stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe

    The White Mountain Apache Tribe requires community members, first responders, and medical, school, and social service personnel to report suicidal behaviors, non-suicidal self-injury, and binge alcohol and drug use to the tribe’s Celebrating Life project. This program conducts in-person follow-up visits on every report. The data is also included in a secure database that provides […] See more...

  • Identity as Strength among LGBTQ Youth

    Identity as Strength among LGBTQ Youth

    LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning) youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Much of this risk is a consequence of being rejected, ostracized, and harassed for simply being who they are. This rejection can come from their peers, their schools, and their families. LGBT youth who come […] See more...

  • Suicide Prevention

    This is the suicide prevention section of the Virginia Department of Health’s website. It includes basic information and links to resources for a wide range of audiences, including families, schools, colleges and universities, military and veterans, mental health professionals, primary care, emergency departments, and the media. See more...

  • Surveillance success stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT)

    Surveillance success stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT)

    Through tribally-mandated data collection, the WMAT was able to identify those under 25 as most at risk and plan targeted interventions. See more...

  • Connectedness and Adolescents (Part 1)

    The authors of a literature review have concluded that there is a significant association between social connectedness and protection against suicidal thoughts and behaviors among adolescents. This week, we will explore the authors’ suggestions about how connectedness protects young people. In an upcoming issue of the Weekly Spark, we will explore the implications of these findings […] See more...

  • Riverside Trauma Center postvention guidelines

    This document offers guidelines for schools, organizations, and communities to follow after a suicide occurs. Special attention is paid to balancing the needs for commemorating the deceased and preventing a possible contagion effect, as well as addressing trauma issues that may be present. The Riverside Trauma Center Postvention Protocols provide communities and organizations with recommendations […] See more...

  • Framework for successful messaging: Guidelines topic list

    Framework for successful messaging: Guidelines topic list

    This directory includes communications resources for specific goals, channels, audiences, and contexts (e.g., postvention, schools). See more...

  • How to talk to a child about a suicide attempt in your family

    How to talk to a child about a suicide attempt in your family

    This guide is intended to provide support and share resources that may be helpful if there has been a recent suicide attempt in the family. Each of three sections provides information and ideas specific to the preschooler, school age and teenager age groups. It is also available in Spanish Language. See more...

  • Learning from California

    Learning from California

    Anara lives and works in California The State of California has a long history of innovation in suicide prevention. In 1958 Edwin Schneidman founded the nation’s first comprehensive suicide prevention center in Los Angeles. The first community-based telephone crisis center in the United States was established in San Francisco in 1962. This history of innovation […] See more...

  • Suicide Postvention as Suicide Prevention

    This sheet contains resources from which you can learn more about how suicide postvention can be used to help prevent suicide and resources to help develop postvention messages, programs, trainings, and guidelines in a variety of settings including schools, workplaces, community organizations, support groups, and the media. See more...

  • JedCampus

    This online self-assessment is for colleges to evaluate their compliance with the Jed Foundation/SPRC Model for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention. See more...


    Launched in mid-2013, this website serves as a portal for mental health information and help resources.  Its goal is to inform the public, first responders, schools, policymakers, governments, businesses  and communities.  Content is contributed by the CDC, NIH/NIMH and SAMHSA. See more...

  • Help Seeking by Young People: Part II

    A study of help-seeking among high school students who had seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months found that “knowing adults who are trustworthy and capable of helping with suicide concerns was the most robust predictor of youth help-seeking…”  Other factors associated with help-seeking included positive attitudes toward help-seeking from school staff, student engagement […] See more...

  • Youth Suicide Prevention Referral and Tracking Toolkit

    Youth Suicide Prevention Referral and Tracking Toolkit

    This toolkit can help school personnel track youth referred for suicide risk and use this information to inform suicide prevention practice. See more...

  • What are you doing for Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention Day?

    What are you doing for Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention Day?

    The week of September 4-10, 2011 is designated as Suicide Prevention Week in the United States.  On September 10, 2011, World Suicide Prevention Day will be acknowledged globally.  This week provides us opportunities to engage many who might not otherwise be aware of the magnitude of suicide. In the United States, over 34,000 people die […] See more...

  • Not My Kid: What Every Parent Should Know

    Created by The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, Not My Kid: What Parents Should Know About Teen Suicide is a 17-minute web-based video that features eight parents from culturally diverse backgrounds asking two mental health professionals a variety of common questions about youth suicide. It was designed to: Increase parental awareness about the […] See more...