Search Results for: library
Online Library
Use the Resources Type filter on the left to find resources (e.g., tools, fact sheets, reports) developed by SPRC and other suicide prevention organizations and experts. See more...
Inclusion Is Key to Mental Health
Celebrate mental health awareness and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities by weaving inclusivity into everything you do. See more...
Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s Best Practices Registry
SPRC’s library of suicide prevention programs and interventions that incorporate best practices, national frameworks and culturally relevant approaches. See more...
Learning From Autistic Lived Experience
By learning about autism and listening to the unique insights of those experiencing it, we can all support autistic people in living their fullest lives. See more...
Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Practices
Primary care providers have an important role to play in suicide prevention. This toolkit can be used by all primary care providers. It contains tools, information, and resources to implement state-of-the art suicide prevention practices and overcome barriers to treating suicidal patients in the primary care setting. You’ll find assessment guidelines, safety plans, billing tips, […] See more...
Responding After a Suicide: Best Practices for Schools
Schools that experience a suicide in their communities are often uncertain about how to respond and can benefit from others with expertise in this area. State and local organizations contacted by schools in crisis can assist by providing information about best practices and practical resources. This webinar presents safe and effective ways in which schools, […] See more...
Caring for Adult Patients with Suicide Risk: A Consensus Guide for Emergency Departments
This guide is designed to assist Emergency Department (ED) health care professionals with decisions about the care and discharge of patients with suicide risk. Its main goal is to improve patient outcomes after discharge. The guide helps ED caregivers answer these questions: How can I effectively intervene while this patient is in the ED? Can […] See more...
Promoting Connectedness to Prevent Suicide
Evaluations of interventions directed toward preventing suicidal behavior have shown that promoting connectedness is a promising suicide prevention strategy. Connectedness to others, including family members, teachers, coworkers, community organizations, and social institutions, is an important protective factor. Positive relationships can help increase a person’s sense of belonging, foster a sense of personal worth, and provide […] See more...
The Patient Safety Screener: A Brief Tool to Detect Suicide Risk
This seven-minute video describes the first part of the Patient Safety Screener, the Patient Safety Screener (PSS-3), a tool for identifying patients in the acute care setting who may be at risk of suicide. The PSS-3 can be administered to all patients who come to the acute care setting, not just those presenting with psychiatric […] See more...
Promoting Help-Seeking Among College Students: Strategies for Suicide Prevention
This webinar will focus on one component of a comprehensive, public health approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion on campuses: increasing student help-seeking. Presenters will share recent research findings and will describe strategies their campuses are employing to increase the likelihood that a student who needs mental health services will seek out and […] See more...
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Implementation Resources
These resources can help state, tribal, and territorial organizations and their partners implement the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. See more...
Crisis Protocols
Download a text version of this module: Crisis Protocols About This Module Crisis protocols specific to suicide death, suicide attempt, and acute distress are essential because they help a college or university respond in an organized, timely, and compassionate way. Clear and consistent protocols that outline what to do and who to contact will also help […] See more...
Strategic Communication Workshop Series #2: Knowing your audience and how to reach them
This three-part workshop series will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance your suicide prevention communication efforts. After attending this workshop series, you will be able to: Describe the importance of strategic planning for communication Apply the components of the Framework for Successful Messaging Identify the right message and channel for your audience Identify other program components that should be in […] See more...
Strategic Communication Workshop Series #3: Measuring the impact of your communication efforts
This three-part workshop series will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance your suicide prevention communication efforts. After attending this workshop series, you will be able to: Describe the importance of strategic planning for communication Apply the components of the Framework for Successful Messaging Identify the right message and channel for your audience Identify other program components that should be in […] See more...
Promoting Connectedness in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities through Culture
The third webinar of the ICRC-S 2018-19 webinar series, Preventing Suicide by Promoting Social Connectedness: Promoting Connectedness in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities through Culture, took place on April 22, 2019. The Qungasvik (kung-az-vik) ‘Toolbox’ is a multilevel strength- based intervention developed by Yup’ik communities to reduce and prevent alcohol use disorder (AUD) and suicide […] See more...
University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico (UNM) proposes a Comprehensive, Coordinated, University-wide Suicide Prevention Project (CCUSPP) with the goal of reducing the number of attempted and completed suicides among the student population, with emphasis on those that are at greater risk including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LBGTQ) youth. CCUSPP will be led by the […] See more...
Saginaw Valley State University
Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU), an institution of higher education, will facilitate a comprehensive approach to prevent suicide among students and enhance services for students with mental and behavioral health problems. SVSU will activate the Active Minds Chapter to increase awareness and decrease mental health stigma and train faculty, staff and students to recognize the […] See more...
Adult Justice System
The adult justice system involves incarcerated individuals ages 18 and older (or 16 and older depending on the jurisdiction). The National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, which provides suicide prevention services in these settings, recommends that screening for suicide risk be done on an ongoing basis and that special attention be given during periods of high risk, such as […] See more...
Minnesota – Carlton County Public Health and Human Services
NEXT TXT 4 LIFE builds on existing multi-agency collaborations to strengthen suicide prevention efforts which serve 22,000 school-aged youth who live in rural and reservation areas of Northeastern Minnesota. Northeastern Minnesota cover 24% of the State of Minnesota and has 6% of the population. The suicide rate for youth and adults in this area is among […] See more...
Indiana – Purdue University
The Indiana Cares Youth Suicide Prevention Project is funded by a 3-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant under the Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Program. It is a project of the Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Behavioral Health and Family Studies Institute. It is a sister project […] See more...
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Youth suicide risk among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations has increased since 2003 and remains highly concentrated among AI/AN youth. The proposed program, the Mississippi Choctaw Youth Resilience Initiative (CYRI-MS), will augment and extend previous suicide prevention efforts implemented by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI). The MBCI is a self-governing vibrant Native American […] See more...
State suicide prevention programs play a critical role in providing consultation and training to local health departments and many others at the state and local levels. Recommendations Related Tool Guide Recommendation: Ensure the ability to plan, provide, and evaluate guidance for state, county, and local efforts The lead organization or a designee should be able […] See more...
About the Recommendations
Working Definition A state’s concrete, practical foundation or framework that supports suicide prevention-related systems, organizations, and efforts, including the fundamental parts and organization of parts that are necessary for planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability. Since its inception in 2002, SPRC has worked with state suicide prevention leaders to help them build a strong prevention infrastructure […] See more...
Provide for Immediate and Long-Term Postvention
When a person dies by suicide, many others are deeply affected: What is Postvention? Postvention is a term often used in the suicide prevention field. The definition below is from the U.S. national guidelines developed by the Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force.1 [Postvention is] an organized response in the aftermath of a suicide to […] See more...
Ensure Access to Effective Care and Treatment
Ensuring that effective care for suicide risk is available to individuals at risk for suicide is a key component of suicide prevention. What Works Elements of effective care and treatment for suicide risk include the following: Treatment should focus on suicide risk and underlying mental and/or substance use disorders. Strategies to Consider Take Action See more...
Evidence-Based Prevention
Practicing evidence-based prevention means using the best available research and data throughout the process of planning and implementing your suicide prevention efforts. Evidence-based prevention includes: Engaging in Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-based practice has been defined as “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of communities and populations […] See more...
Culturally Competent Approaches
Your suicide prevention efforts will more likely be effective if they are based on the values, needs, and strengths of the groups you are trying to reach. Suicide prevention efforts should be respectful and responsive to groups’ beliefs, practices, and cultural and linguistic needs and preferences. Factors to consider include not only race and ethnicity, […] See more...
Core Competencies
Core Competencies for Suicide Prevention Program Managers SPRC has been providing technical assistance to Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grantees since 2005. Over the years, we have observed that successful suicide prevention programs often share similar characteristics. The core competencies listed in the model below are based on our experience working with GLS grantees and other […] See more...
Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention grantees are funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to support suicide prevention work in campus, state, and tribal communities. Learn about Core Competencies for Suicide Prevention Program Managers. National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP) grantees are funded by SAMHSA to support states in implementing the 2012 National Strategy […] See more...
SPRC Highlights in 2021
SPRC 2021 Webinars New Hampshire’s State Plan Implementation Approach CDC Report Highlights SPRC’s Recommendations for State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure Suicide and Serious Mental Illness: An Overview of Considerations, Assessment, and Safety Planning Suicide Prevention Month: Ideas for Action 2021 State and Territorial Needs Assessment: Call to Action and Summary of Priority Areas See more...
The Healing Power of Representation
The Healing Power of Representation In mainstream media, American Indians and Alaska Natives are often portrayed as relics of the past, fairytales, myths, and stereotypes. Native people are seen as barriers to progress, enemies of society, and pagan savages to be civilized. Authentic stories of Native people living, working, and loving in modern times are […] See more...
Suicide Prevention in Schools: Strategies for COVID-19
Addressing the mental health needs of students in school communities is more important than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the stress and trauma faced by many students while bringing new challenges, such as isolation and increased risk for adversity at home. Schools play a unique and critical role in addressing the pandemic’s potential mental health effects and preventing suicide. While […] See more...
Treating Suicidal Patients during COVID-19
In these short videos, Dr. Barbara Stanley provides concrete tips for making sure clients stay safe without having to rely on hospitalization. See more...
Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program: A Comparison Table of Trainings Available Online
Find an online training appropriate for your setting, the people you are trying to protect from suicide, and the people you want to train as gatekeepers. See more...
Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention
These brief webinar clips feature expert advice on addressing the root causes of suicide and mental health issues in tribal communities. See more...
Striking a Balance: A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Data
To help inform prevention planning, suicide prevention practitioners have traditionally relied on suicide death data from vital records and CDC’s National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS). Data on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts have commonly come from national surveys, like SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). While these […] See more...
The Suicide and Opioid Link: Translating Knowledge into Action
The intersection between suicide and the opioid epidemic was front and center at this year’s American Association of Suicidology (AAS) annual conference, as our field explored the theme of “Converging Fields, Expanding Perspectives.” Presentations ranged from data mapping of suicide and opioid overdose hotspots to better understanding the language and context of the substance abuse prevention and treatment […] See more...
Supporting Survivors of Traumatic Events
A few weeks ago, we witnessed the tragic suicide deaths of several individuals who had been affected by school shootings. The national suicide prevention field was quick to respond with press releases highlighting help and prevention resources, and consultation with national news media to help them shape their coverage of these deaths. In the aftermath of these losses, let’s […] See more...
Depicting Suicide: Conveying Hope and Recovery in Entertainment
For more than 15 years, SPRC has helped connect prevention practitioners to the latest evidence and tools for safe and effective suicide prevention messaging. We were part of developing the first national recommendations for news media reporting on suicide and continue to help promote them. We also provided key input on the National Action Alliance for Suicide […] See more...
About Us: Lived Experience as Lived Expertise
“Lived experience” is an important term in the suicide prevention community. People who have experienced a suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, or a suicide loss can bring critical insights about prevention. That is why the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and SPRC’s Effective Suicide Prevention Model emphasize the importance of involving individuals with lived experience in all aspects of our collective prevention […] See more...
Strategic Communication Planning
This video series features expert advice on strategic communication planning for suicide prevention, along with free worksheets to help you get started today! See more...
Moving into a New Year
Happy New Year! As 2019 begins, please join us in pausing to reflect on some milestones from the past year in suicide prevention, as well as how we can make the most of the year to come. In 2018, suicide prevention continued to gain momentum as a national priority, with increased public awareness and media […] See more...
Honoring Indigenous Voices: Suicide Surveillance from a Tribal Perspective
November is National Native American Heritage Month—a time to celebrate the many important contributions of indigenous people, including their distinct history, culture, and traditions. It is also a time to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by Native communities and to highlight the many innovative strategies they use to address them. In honor of this […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Centerstone of Tennessee
SPRC is pleased to announce the release of its latest Surveillance Success Story, which comes from the state of Tennessee. This story details how Centerstone TN, through improved data collection efforts, was able to identify patients at high risk, improve treatment protocols, and reduce suicide deaths within its health care system. The Surveillance Success Story Series describes how […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Centerstone of Tennessee
Through improved data collection efforts, Centerstone TN was able to reduce suicide deaths among patients within its health care system. See more...
Speaking with One Voice for Suicide Prevention
It’s September, and that means we’re all marking Suicide Prevention Day/Week/Month—my 11th annual observance since joining SPRC in September 2007. In that time, I’ve witnessed a profound shift in the national conversation around suicide prevention, which has been shaped by the many different viewpoints of those working in the field. From mental health clinicians to […] See more...
After an attempt guides for families, providers and those being treated in EDs
These three booklets provide guidance on what to expect and what to do during emergency department treatment and continuing care after a suicide attempt. See more...
Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program: A Comparison Table
This comparison table will help you find a gatekeeper training appropriate for your setting. It is not comprehensive but includes trainings from the Resources and Programs section of the SPRC website. See more...
Recommended Standard Care for People with Suicide Risk: A Critical Step Forward
People who are in distress or experiencing a suicidal crisis should be able to walk into any health care setting and receive the care they need. While we can all support this statement in theory, it is not always the case in practice. Many individuals at risk of suicide who have contact with the health […] See more...
Getting Comprehensive in Our Suicide Prevention Efforts
In my work with states, tribes, campuses, and institutions around the country, I’m often asked, “What program should I use to prevent suicide in my community?” Perhaps to the person’s frustration, my answer is usually, “It’s not that simple.” True, it’s good to know which programs have more evidence of effectiveness, but no one program […] See more...
Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts among Court-Involved, Non-Incarcerated Youth
A recent study found that 14 percent of court-involved, non-incarcerated (CINI) youth have a lifetime history of suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts. These youth are more likely to have a history of prior criminal offenses, marijuana and/or alcohol use, and sexual abuse than CINI youth without a history of suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts. The […] See more...
A Look Back at New SPRC Resources in 2017
Surveillance Success Stories – Montana Creating Linguistically and Culturally Competent Suicide Prevention Materials Effective Suicide Prevention Video How Emergency Departments Can Help Prevent Suicide among At-Risk Patients: Five Brief Interventions Virtual Learning Lab: State Suicide Prevention Surveillance Success Stories – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation More SPRC Resources from 2017 See more...
After an attempt: A guide for medical providers in the emergency department taking care of suicide attempt survivors
This brochure provides tips for emergency department providers to enhance care for individuals who have attempted suicide. See more...
Start with What You Know: Using Data for Suicide Prevention
As we approach the 18th anniversary of the first National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, that document’s strategic direction on data and surveillance is moving to center stage in our field. From the new national goal of a 20 percent reduction in the suicide rate by 2025, to state and community efforts to make an impact, we […] See more...
Surveillance success stories – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
This story details how the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) improved its systemwide surveillance of suicide deaths and self-harm. See more...
Faith, Hope, & Life
September is the month when those of us who work in suicide prevention make a special effort to reach out and remind the public of the toll that suicide takes on our families, communities, nation, and world. This year, the second weekend in September (September 8-10) has been designated a National Day of Prayer for Faith, […] See more...
Get Ready for School
August is a time when many people head to the beach or mountains to take a well-deserved break from their jobs, find relief from the heat, and spend time with friends and family. But for school teachers and administrators, August is spent writing lesson plans and attending to the many things that need to be […] See more...
Suicide prevention resources for adult corrections
This sheet lists written materials, trainings, organizations, and websites that contain information on suicide prevention in adult correctional facilities. It can be used with the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s information sheet The Role of Adult Correctional Officers in Preventing Suicide or on its own by correctional officers, administrators, and health/mental health care providers in adult […] See more...
Sustaining Success
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) staff have had the privilege of working with Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act (GLS) grantees for the past 12 years. We have watched them grow in number, sophistication, and experience. During this same period, however, we have also watched suicide rates rise, both for adolescents and adults. We know that there are […] See more...
Mental Health Environment of Care Checklist
A 2012 study revealed that implementation of the Mental Health Environment of Care Checklist (MHEOCC) reduced the suicide rate in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital acute inpatient mental health units. The MHEOCC focuses on identifying and correcting environmental risks for suicide and suicide attempts, such as anchor points that could be used for hanging. […] See more...
Lethal Means Counseling by Physicians
An American Journal of Medicine commentary proposed that suicide in the United States could be reduced if physicians counseled at-risk individuals and their families to temporarily store firearms so that they cannot be used for self-harm. The authors suggested that health and behavioral health care providers could provide information about the methods and benefits of temporarily storing […] See more...
Learning from California
This month, I am proud to announce the publication of Creating Linguistically and Culturally Competent Suicide Prevention Materials. This new SPRC resource is based on the experiences of the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) adapting their Know the Signs (KTS) campaign for linguistic and cultural groups that were not being reached by their English- and […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Texas: Denton and Tarrant Counties
SPRC is pleased to announce the release of its latest Surveillance Success Story, which comes from the state of Texas. This story details how Denton and Tarrant Counties access and analyze data on suicide deaths and use that data to strengthen their prevention efforts. The Surveillance Success Story Series describes how states, tribes, and health systems […] See more...
Changing the Story
I’m a commuter. Twenty-five miles and approximately an hour (two or three when it snows) one way every day for 15 years. I’ve never counted, but I make my way through at least 30 traffic lights on one of the busiest roads in Colorado. It’s cool—I’m used to it and it gives me time to […] See more...
One Issue, One Goal
In January, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) announced that it will join with others to reduce the annual suicide rate 20 percent by 2025—a goal originally set by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Unifying around this goal represents a pivotal point in the history of suicide prevention. I am confident that […] See more...
Surveillance success stories – Montana
The passage of the Montana Suicide Mortality Review Team Act in 2013 marked the beginning of a coordinated effort to use surveillance data to reduce the state’s suicide rate. The Suicide Mortality Review Team accesses and analyzes data from death certificates, coroner and medical examiner reports, and health and behavioral health care records for every […] See more...
Transforming communities: Key elements for the implementation of comprehensive community-based suicide prevention
Developed by the Action Alliance, this resource presents seven key elements that should guide program planning and implementation. It is being jointly released with the CDC’s Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices which outlines specific, evidence-based suicide prevention strategies for communities to consider as part of their comprehensive approach. See more...
Surveillance success stories – Texas: Denton and Tarrant Counties
This story details how Denton and Tarrant Counties in Texas created strong and timely data snapshots for their Zero Suicide-specific and broader county suicide prevention efforts. See more...
A Look Back at New SPRC Resources in 2016
Safe Reporting on Suicide SPARK Talk, March 11 Common Ground: Reducing Gun Access SPARK Talk, March 11 Preventing Suicide in Emergency Department Patients Online Course, September 23 Reaching Older Adults SPARK Talk, September 30 Men in the Middle Years SPARK Talk, September 30 Preventing Suicide among Men in the Middle Years: Recommendations for Suicide Prevention […] See more...
Preventing Suicide among Men in the Middle Years
In gatekeeper training, we learn to ask a hard question: Have you been thinking about suicide? I would like to invite you to ask another hard question: What about men in the middle years? I had not thought much about this population when I began working as a psychiatrist. Gradually, I realized that many […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Following a suicide cluster in 2010, tribal leaders on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana began collecting data to establish a baseline understanding of suicidal behavior on the reservation so they could allocate resources and focus their suicide prevention efforts most effectively, as well as monitor cases over time to see if those efforts […] See more...
Surveillance success stories – Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Following a suicide cluster, tribal leaders began collecting data that would help them better understand and prevent suicidal behavior on the reservation. See more...
The New
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is proud to announce the launch of its new website, which was designed to reflect the enormous progress made in the science and practice of suicide prevention since SPRC first went online in 2002. In the last 14 years, we have increased our understanding of why people die by […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe
The White Mountain Apache Tribe requires community members, first responders, and medical, school, and social service personnel to report suicidal behaviors, non-suicidal self-injury, and binge alcohol and drug use to the tribe’s Celebrating Life project. This program conducts in-person follow-up visits on every report. The data is also included in a secure database that provides […] See more...
Prevention-Oriented Suicide Risk Assessment: Planning Not Prediction
Most clinicians-in-training learn to summarize suicide risk in a categorical probability judgment expressed as low, moderate, or high, often with gradations like low-moderate. But what do we really mean when we say a patient is at “low” “moderate” or “high” risk? Risk compared to whom? Compared to when? In what setting? These labels are devoid […] See more...
The Cost of Suicidal Behavior
A recent analysis reported that the cost of suicides and suicide attempts in the United States in 2013 was $93.5 billion. More than 97 percent of this cost was in lost productivity. This cost estimate is higher than that from other sources because it is based on estimates of the actual, rather than the reported, […] See more...
Making Educators Partners in Youth Suicide Prevention: ACT on FACTS
This two-hour online training helps educators and school staff understand their role in suicide prevention and covers strategies for school suicide prevention. See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Kentucky
Inspired by National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Suicide Care in Systems Framework the KY Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) program and Department for Behavioral Health, Development, and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) looked at data as a first step in enhancing the ability of Kentucky’s state psychiatric hospitals and community mental health centers (CMHCs) to prevent suicide. […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Vermont
An analysis of data from Vermont’s Department of Mental Health Management Information System and the state Vital Records Office revealed that only 21 of the 103 residents who died by suicide in 2013 received services from a public mental health agency. This demonstrated the importance of accessing data from private behavioral health care providers and […] See more...
Surveillance Success Stories – Ohio
A crosswalk of data from death certificates and records from state hospitals and mental health clinics revealed that more than 67 percent of people who died by suicide in Ohio had visited a public behavioral health provider in the year before their death. Twenty-nine percent had done so in the month before their suicide. You […] See more...
Surveillance success stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT)
Through tribally-mandated data collection, the WMAT was able to identify those under 25 as most at risk and plan targeted interventions. See more...
Connecticut Clearinghouse
A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics. Has a searchable database of treatment facilities and helplines in Connecticut. See more...
Toward Zero Suicide: The Essential Role of Data
Zero Suicide is a systematic approach to preventing suicide in health care and behavioral health settings. The Zero Suicide approach is based on a commitment to patient safety and a belief, informed by data, that health and behavioral health care systems can prevent suicides among the people in their care. Because of the risks faced […] See more...
Surveillance success stories – Vermont
An analysis of data from the state behavioral health and vital statistics systems revealed gaps in that state’s ability to collect suicide data. See more...
Surveillance success stories – Ohio
Data from death certificates and public clinics and hospitals helped Ohio understand the patterns of service by people who died by suicide. See more...
Occupations and Suicide Risk
A meta-analysis of 34 studies found that people in occupations requiring a lower level of skill are more at risk of suicide than people in jobs requiring a higher level of skill. People in the lowest occupational skill categories (such as hotel and office cleaners, sanitation workers, food preparation assistants, and unskilled laborers in mining, […] See more...
Moving Forward with Attempt Survivors
The suicide attempt survivor movement had its origins in courageous acts of self-disclosure by a small number of pioneers who worked to shed the oppressive weight of stigma, shame, and silence. By writing, speaking, and networking, they helped attempt survivors get a seat at the suicide prevention table. Early progress was heralded by events like […] See more...
Referenced version – The role of adult correctional officers in preventing suicide
This document provides references for The Role of Adult Correctional Officers in Preventing Suicide and is intended to be used only as supplementary information. See more...
The role of adult correctional officers in preventing suicide
This brief sheet provides basic information to help correctional officers in facilities for adults to recognize and respond to people who may be suicidal or at high risk. (An unformatted version of the sheet that includes references is available.) An accompanying list of resources is also available. See more...
Media Guidelines and People Bereaved by Suicide
A study from the UK revealed some tension and a difference in emphasis between the concerns of people bereaved by suicide loss (notably that the deaths be reported accurately and sympathetically) and the typical focus of guidelines for reporting on suicide (which are focused on preventing “copycat” suicides). This study compared the recommendations and concerns […] See more...
Suicide Screening in Emergency Departments
A pilot project on suicide screening found that a substantial proportion of people treated for medical issues in emergency departments (EDs) screened positive for risk factors for suicide. More than a third of the patients screened positive for depression. Seven and a half percent screened positive for suicidal ideation. Almost 13 percent reported that they […] See more...
Bullying and Other Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior
The results of a study of middle-school students (ages 10-13) confirmed that “involvement in bullying in any capacity is linked to increased risk for suicidal ideations and behavior” – especially for children who both bully others and are victims of bullying. However, when the analysis controlled for delinquency and depression, most of this increased risk […] See more...
A Text-Based Crisis Service for Youth
A text-based crisis service for adolescents increased help-seeking behaviors among adolescents, according to the authors of an article describing a pilot project (TextToday) in northern Nevada. The pilot resulted in substantial monthly increases over the previous five-year period when only voice communication was available. The volume increased most in schools in which there was a […] See more...
Evaluating Suicide Prevention Programs
A team of nationally recognized experts in suicide prevention reviewed research and evaluation studies on 16 youth suicide prevention programs. The team adapted a methodology described in the Guide to Community Preventive Services, “one of the most rigorous methods of systematic reviews,” to identify studies to include in their review; assess the effectiveness of the programs […] See more...
Voices That Inspire
This month I would like to look back on the important role that survivors of suicide loss have played in the history of suicide prevention. In the late 1990s, I worked for Senator Harry Reid. While helping him prepare for a hearing on mental health and the elderly, I discovered that Senator Reid’s home state […] See more...
Risk and Protective Factors in Racial/Ethnic Populations in the U.S.
Risk and Protective Factors in Racial/Ethnic Populations in the U.S. See more...
Trauma-informed approaches: Federal activities and initiatives
This report documents the projects, programs, and initiatives of more than three dozen federal agencies, departments, and offices. With agencies’ commitment to implementing gender-responsive, trauma-informed approaches, it addresses the growing national interest in this issue, the work of the Federal Partners Committee, and the specific progress that participating agencies have made over the past three […] See more...
Suicide Prevention Resource Center Celebrates Tenth Anniversary
Ten years ago, in October 2002, the national Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) was established with funding from SAMHSA. Its mission when originally appropriated by Congress was to: provide technical assistance in developing, implementing and evaluating effective suicide prevention programs provide training and field support serve as a clearinghouse for all pertinent best practices information regarding suicide prevention promote evaluation of suicide prevention […] See more...
Suicide Prevention as a Social Movement
The authors of a recent article argue that suicide prevention practitioners, researchers, and advocates can have a greater impact if they understand the role of suicide prevention as a “social movement” – “an organized activity that encourages or discourages social change.” They also argue that a key step in the development of a social movement […] See more...
Altitude and Suicide
An analysis of National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) data revealed that suicide rates are higher among people who live at high altitudes than those living at lower elevations. This confirms previous research on the subject. However, the authors of this study suggest that the differences in suicide rates may be a result of the […] See more...
Model Adolescent Suicide Prevention Program (MASPP)
This comprehensive prevention and intervention program was developed to address high rates of suicide among adolescents and young adults in a small rural American Indian tribe. See more...
What are you doing for Suicide Prevention Week and World Suicide Prevention Day?
The week of September 4-10, 2011 is designated as Suicide Prevention Week in the United States. On September 10, 2011, World Suicide Prevention Day will be acknowledged globally. This week provides us opportunities to engage many who might not otherwise be aware of the magnitude of suicide. In the United States, over 34,000 people die […] See more...
LOOK LISTEN LINK: A Health Curriculum for Middle School
Developed in Washington State, LOOK LISTEN LINK is a curriculum designed for middle school-aged youth. It consists of four 45-minute lessons that focus on identifying causes of stress along with healthy ways of coping with stress and anxiety. Another significant focus of the program is teaching youth how to recognize friends who are depressed and […] See more...
CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
Developed by Elaine Frank and Mark Ciocca, CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means is a 1.5 to 2 hour workshop designed to help providers implement counseling strategies to help clients at risk for suicide and their families reduce access to lethal means, particularly (but not exclusively) firearms. It includes a number of components: background […] See more...
Helping Every Living Person (HELP) Depression and Suicide Prevention Curriculum
Developed by Washington State, the Helping Every Living Person: Depression and Suicide Prevention Curriculum (HELP) educates students about depression and suicide prevention. HELP consists of four 45-minute lesson plans on the following topics: Stress and depression. Risk factors and warning signs of suicidal behavior. Suicide intervention skills. Practice of intervention skills and problem-solving skills (for […] See more...
Consensus statement on suicide and suicide prevention from an interfaith dialogue
This statement was developed at the Interfaith Suicide Prevention Dialogue meeting (March 12-13, 2008, Rockville, MD), conducted by the SPRC. The participants included representatives from the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim faith communities. View the full report of the meeting, The role of faith communities in preventing suicide: A report of an interfaith Suicide […] See more...
Safety planning guide: A quick guide for clinicians
This quick guide for clinicians may be used to develop a safety plan – a prioritized written list of coping strategies and sources of support to be used by patients who have been assessed to be at high risk for suicide. The authors strongly recommend that the guide be used after reviewing the Safety plan […] See more...
Suicide Alertness for Everyone (safeTALK)
SafeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention. SafeTALK stresses safety while challenging taboos that inhibit open talk about suicide. The program recommends that an ASIST-trained resource or other community support resource […] See more...
United States Air Force Suicide Prevention Program
This population-oriented effort involving 11 educational, clinical, and policy components was associated with a decrease in Air Force suicide deaths. See more...