Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Toolkit

This toolkit is a comprehensive resource for primary care providers working with service members and veterans, promoting accurate screening and diagnosis, symptom management and referrals. It includes the following resources:

  • 1. Provider reference cards and provider pocket card
  • 2. Pocket Cards
  • 3. Booklet: “Depression: Treat It As Your Life Depended On It”
  • 4. CD-ROM: “Taking Control of Depression”
  • 5. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline summary for MDD
  • 6. Tri-fold brochure: depression fast facts
  • 7. VA/DoD essentials for depression screening and assessment in primary care
  • 8. Booklet: “Depression: What You Need to Know”

Copies of the toolkit and supporting materials can be downloaded or ordered from the website.

The health communicator’s social media toolkit

This toolkit was designed to provide guidance and to the share lessons learned in more than three years of integrating social media into CDC health communication campaigns, activities and emergency response efforts. The guide includes information on getting started using social media—from developing governance to determining which channels best meet specific communication objectives to creating a social media strategy. There is also information about popular channels that can be incorporated into communications plans, such as blogs, video-sharing sites, mobile applications and RSS feeds. Although intended for a beginner audience, although some viewers with an intermediate level may find parts of the toolkit useful.

Tool kit for childhood & adolescent anxiety management

This clinical tool kit is intended to assist the PCP in assessing the needs of the child/adolescent, ranging in age from 8 through 18, regarding anxiety and decisions regarding health care services provided by the PCP or subsequent referral to the RHBA if clinically indicated.

Qungasvik Toolbox: A toolbox for promoting youth sobriety and reasons for living in Yup’ik/Cup’ik communities

This toolkit has 36 cultural and bicultural activities designed to build protection from suicide and alcohol abuse in communities, families and youth. For background, development and evaluation of this program see: Creating Qungasvik (a Yup’ik intervention ‘‘toolbox’’): Case examples from a community-developed and culturally-driven intervention; Indigenizing CBPR: Evaluation of a community-based and participatory research process implementation of the Elluam Tungiinun (Towards Wellness) Program in Alaska and A protective factors model for alcohol abuse and suicide prevention among Alaska Native youth.  

Suicide prevention community assessment tool

Adapted from: Community Assessment Tool developed by the Suicide Prevention Program at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. This assessment tool is targeted for “prevention networks,” coalitions of change-oriented organizations and individuals working together to promote suicide prevention. It comprises four sections intended to gather information on: a) each community addressed; b) all agencies and individuals within the prevention network; c) target populations; and d) community suicide risk factors and prevention resources.