Pragmatic considerations of culture in preventing suicide: Workshop summary

Workshop summary of a meeting to:”examine how culture pertaining to ethnicity can be considered in the development and implementation of suicide preventive interventions.” Three fielded studies were considered as examples in reducing suicide risk and included studies focused on African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian communities. The summary contains a list of participants, agenda, and examples of suicide prevention models that incorporate culture with research and pragmatic approaches and considerations.

Screening and assessing mental health and substance use disorders among youth in the juvenile justice system: A resource guide for practitioners

Presents information on instruments that can be used to screen and assess youth for mental health- and substance use-related disorders at various stages of the juvenile justice process. The Guide includes profiles of more than 50 instruments, guidelines for selecting instruments, and best practice recommendations for diverse settings and situations. It is intended as a basic tool for juvenile justice professionals working toward the goal of early, accurate identification of youth with mental disorders. Once identified, these youth can receive the services required to improve their lives, reduce recidivism, and promote community safety. Available online only.(Description from the OJJDP Web site)

State efforts to prevent youth suicide

5 pages. Issue Brief from April 2004. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Injury Prevention project has recently published an issue brief examining the burden and costs of youth suicide. The document discusses state prevention activities, with an emphasis on ASTHO’s series of youth suicide prevention regional roundtables and policy development workshops.

Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report

This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute’s independent evaluation of Colorado LINK, an effort to reduce teen suicide at two large Denver public high schools and at Urban Peak, a shelter for homeless youth. It is a targeted initiative that included screening.

Colorado LINK: Teen suicide prevention initiative evaluation report

This 14 page summary highlights findings from the OMNI Institute’s independent evaluation of Colorado LINK, an effort to reduce teen suicide at two large Denver public high schools and at Urban Peak, a shelter for homeless youth. It is a targeted initiative that included screening.

School-associated suicides – United States, 1994–1999

MMWR, June 11, 2004; 53(22):476-78. To describe the psychosocial and behavioral characteristics of school-associated suicide victims, CDC analyzed data from school and police officials. The results indicated that, among the 126 students who carried out school-associated homicides or suicides, 28 (22%) died by suicide, including eight who intentionally injured others immediately before killing themselves. Potential indicators of suicide risk such as expressions of suicidal thoughts, recent social stressors, and substance use were common among the victims. These findings underscore the need for school staff to recognize risk factors for suicide.