Preventing youth suicide in rural America: Recommendations to states

SPRC and the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association formed a workgroup to generate recommendations to prevent suicide among rural youth. This report details the recommendations for state-level agencies to address promoting help-seeking behaviors, data and surveillance, services, screening and identification, gatekeeper training, bereavement, and survivor issues.

Big cities health inventory: The health of urban America, 2007

The fifth edition of the Big Cities Health Inventory (BCHI) report, a compendium of health status indicators produced in a comparative format for the 54 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. Considers 54 major American cities. Presents the indicators for the cities overall, according to gender and race/ethnicity. Indicators include suicides.

Lifeline service and outreach strategies suggested by suicide attempt survivors

On January 16, 2007, eight attempt survivors were invited to attend an Attempt Survivor Advisory Summit Meeting in New York City. Four other attempt survivors who were unable to attend the meeting contributed their suggestions during individual indepth phone interviews conducted between January 25 and February 1, 2007. This report summarizes the findings from the meeting and the interviews.

Walking a mile: A first step toward mutual understanding

The research–based on 12 focus groups conducted in 2006 and 2007–explores Indians’ perceptions of their own place in contemporary American society and how non-Indians view American Indians, what they know (or think they know), the generalizations they make and stereotypes they hold, how their perceptions were formed and their interest in learning more.

AAP statement: Suicide and suicide attempts in adolescents

Article in Pediatrics, Vol. 120 No. 3 September 2007, pp. 669-676. This report updates the previous statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is intended to assist the pediatrician in the identification and management of the adolescent at risk of suicide.