#chatsafe: A young person’s guide for communicating safely online about suicide

The #chatsafe guidelines are intended to help young people to communicate safely online about suicide. They were developed using the Delphi consensus methodology that draws on expert opinions to identify best practice.   
Sections include: Before you post anything about suicide; Sharing your own thoughts/feelings/experiences online; Communicating about someone at risk; Responding to someone at risk; and Memorial websites/pages/groups.

National strategy for preventing veteran suicide, 2018–2028

The VA developed the National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide in alignment with the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. The purpose is to provide a framework for identifying priorities and organizing efforts for Veteran suicide prevention over the next several years. Data and figures referred to in this strategy reflect the most current, publicly available data at the time of publication. 

Recommended standard care for people with suicide risk: Making health care suicide safe

These guidelines provide the first-ever recommendations on suicide-related standard health care for primary care, behavioral health, and emergency department settings. Since the majority (64 percent) of people who attempt suicide visit a doctor in the month before their attempt, it is essential that people who are at risk for suicide receive timely access to effective treatments and services. The new recommendations, developed with public and private sector experts, researchers, clinicians and consumers, present feasible, practical, evidence-based actions that health care organizations can adopt immediately. 

A framework of recommendations for colleges and universities to support the mental health of students of color

The Equity in Mental Health Framework, a joint project of the JED Foundation and the Steve Fund conducted a data review of surveys of college students of color and programs to promote mental wellness among them. These results let them to draft a set of recommendations which were reviewed by 130 experts in higher education at a one day summit in NYC resulting in this finalized set of recommendations and implementation strategies. 

Special report: Suicide prevention in health care settings, recommendations regarding environmental hazards for providers and surveyors

These recommendations were generated in 2017 by an expert panel in order to ensure the safety of inpatients at risk for suicide. They concern ligature points and continuous observation. The expert panel will continue to meet to discuss issues related to prevention of suicide in health care settings and the period immediately after discharge from inpatient care.  

Recommendations for reporting on mass shootings

These recommendations address how media can safely cover an incident where a person (or a small group) shoots multiple others in a public setting. The tragedies at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Orlando are examples of mass shootings. These recommendations are not intended to address gang violence or murder­ suicide (i.e. intimate partner violence).