Self-harm: The short-term physical and psychological management and secondary prevention of self-harm in primary and secondary care

This UK practice guideline makes recommendations for the physical, psychological and social assessment and treatment of people in primary and secondary care in the first 48 hours after having self-harmed.
In the first part, the guideline makes recommendations that apply across the whole health community, wherever people who self-harm present for help, including good practice points to improve the integration of the different services involved. In the second part of the guideline, the recommendations directly address the care offered to people who self-harm presenting in primary care, in the community, or in secondary care. The guideline is relevant to all people aged 8 years of age and older who have self-harmed.

Suicide prevention strategies- Schools

From “Health, mental health and safety guidelines for schools”. This guideline states that schools are to “actively prevent suicidal behavior by training staff and having programs that identify high-risk students and then link them to therapeutic and preventive community services”.

Aboriginal youth: A manual of promising suicide prevention strategies

Revised edition. Presents a model for understanding suicide among Aboriginal youth and for situating the prevention strategies; presents 17 suicide prevention strategies for Aboriginal youth, and provides examples of existing Aboriginal suicide prevention initiative. This manual is being offered for free and was made possible through funding by the RCMP Aboriginal Policing Services.

Practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors

This practice guideline is based on available evidence and clinical consensus and offers recommendations to help psychiatrists in assessing and treating adult patients with suicidal behaviors. This report is not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of medical care. Standards of medical care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available for an individual patient and are subject to change as scientific knowledge and technology advance and practice patterns evolve. These parameters of practice should be considered guidelines only.

The American Geriatrics Society and American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Recommendations for Policies in Support of Quality Mental Health Care in U.S. Nursing Homes

Policy recommendations from a 2003 expert panel are included on the following issues: access to screening, assessment, and treatment referral; adequately financing needed services; ensuring a skilled and responsive workforce; providing incentives for quality mental health care; and changing the culture of nursing home life through greater involvement of residents in decision making.

In harm’s way: A primer in detention suicide prevention

The Lane County, Oregon Model for suicide prevention in juvenile detention and residential facilities. This document is meant to benefit those who work in juvenile detention and residential settings. It encompasses the lessons learned in providing a safe setting for youth for many years in a county detention center and is primarily based on empirical data and not on controlled scientific studies.

The tension of turf: Making it work for the coalition

Building on earlier work of the Prevention Institute, which described the coalition start-up process in Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight Step Guide, this document was developed in response to something commonly experienced within coalitions: turf struggle. Turf issues that commonly arise among coalition members are explored and a set of recommendations for limiting the negative aspects of turf struggles is offered.