MASSACHUSETTS: Boston Municipal Workers to Be Trained in Suicide Prevention

October 06, 2016

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  Massachusetts

The Boston Globe

The city of Boston is partnering with the suicide prevention organization Samaritans to provide gatekeeper training to employees who work with vulnerable populations such as at-risk youth, veterans, and older adults. Approximately 800 personnel from several city departments will receive training in suicide prevention, including techniques to identify and assist those at risk. Workshops will be run by Samaritans, a non-profit organization in Boston that provides crisis services, grief support, and education and outreach to the community. Executive Director Steve Mongeau said, “The ultimate goal is to save lives and we feel that by opening the door to work with the various gatekeeper groups we can help those individuals as well the populations they’re working with.” This summer, Samaritans conducted a workshop with adolescents participating in the city’s summer jobs program, providing them with information about suicide prevention resources such as the organization’s crisis line, which it encourages individuals in distress to call or text. Said Mongeau, “Helping people to talk about their feelings of isolation and despair is going to help save lives.” 

Spark Extra! Learn more about how to identity and assist persons at risk for suicide.