ENGLAND: ‘Andys Man Club’: The Male Suicide Prevention Group Smashing Stigma and Proving #ItsOkayToTalk

September 02, 2016

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News

The Huffington Post UK

A UK support group for men that seeks to address high rates of male suicide and break down cultural barriers to help-seeking has spun off into a social media campaign that is quickly gaining attention. In response to the sudden death of his brother-in-law to suicide, Luke Ambler founded Andys Man Club in order to provide a safe space for men to share their feelings and support one another. “It’s been really powerful seeing changes in the people that have come already,” said Ambler. “The power of Andys Man Club is in the men who sit down and help one another through the tough times.” Ambler also recently launched the #ItsOkayToTalk social media campaign to spread awareness about male suicide and to encourage men in crisis to reach out and seek help. The campaign has received support from celebrities in addition to mental health and suicide prevention organizations such as the UK charity CALM. “We maintain guys can help each other and share such a positive message among their peers; and also hear it from their role models across the sports and entertainment worlds,” said CALM Chair of Trustees James Scroggs. “While suicide remains the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK, this message needs to be pushed far and wide.”

Spark Extra! Find out more about the suicide prevention charity CALM.