CANADA: Suicide Prevention with a Crisis Line Dedicated to Aboriginal Community

July 08, 2016

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News

Chilliwack Times

In an effort to reduce suicide rates among the First Nations and aboriginal populations in British Columbia, the First Nations Health Authority has partnered with KUU-US Crisis Response Services to provide culturally competent crisis support services throughout the province. The partnership will allow the KUU-US telephone crisis line to be scaled up, crisis response protocols to be created for all five regions in the province, and linkages to be established with services across the province. The crisis line, which provided services to 10,000 individuals last year, operates around the clock and is staffed by individuals who have received training in “indigenous cultural safety.” Chief Executive Officer of the First Nations Health Authority Joe Gallagher said, “KUU-US has developed an excellent culturally safe approach for working with our people before, during, and after crisis.”

Spark Extra! Learn more about culturally competent approaches.