CALIFORNIA: New Mobile Mental Health Service Dispatched to Help People Who Are at the Breaking Point

February 15, 2019

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  California

Redding Record Searchlight

A mobile mental health service is now available in Shasta County, California. Staffed by a mental health counselor and a case manager, the mobile unit responds to people in crisis and connects them with resources. The mobile crisis team also includes a peer specialist—someone in recovery from mental health issues and trained in crisis response. Run by nonprofit Hill Country Health and Wellness Center under a contract with the county, the service aims to reduce unnecessary contact with law enforcement and the emergency department. According to Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency officials, the service will initially respond to two to three calls a day and increase its capacity over time. It also plans to expand its current weekday hours to evenings and weekends.

Spark Extra! Learn more about responding effectively to people in crisis.