National-Louis University

National-Louis University, a broad-access institution in Chicago, proposes NLU-SPI, a suicide prevention approach in which a network of internal and external partners will develop a university-wide process for responding to students’ mental health needs; oversee training for staff and students; implement social media and other outreach to increase awareness of services; and increase knowledge of how to understand and respond to the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACES). The project will focus on three vulnerable populations: an undergraduate program designed specifically for first-generation, predominately low-income students; veterans and military-connected family members; and young adults with intellectual and multiple emotional disabilities. Over 1,500 primarily African-American and Hispanic students will be served annually, for a total of 4,500 students over the three years of the project. The six project goals are:

  • Goal 1: Create a comprehensive infrastructure and collaborative network of internal and external partners that will establish a proactive and cohesive plan to monitor and respond to student mental health needs;
  • Goal 2: Implement a comprehensive training program to increase student, faculty and staff capacity to recognize and effectively respond to warning signs of self-harm, suicidality, and substance abuse in others;
  • Goal 3: Increase student knowledge of mental and substance use disorder services by developing a student outreach plan focusing on the three target populations;
  • Goal 4: Increase student access to voluntary mental and substance use disorder screenings and assessments;
  • Goal 5:Increase student knowledge of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (TALK) as well as others other relevant lifelines;
  • Goal 6: Create a Trauma Informed culture that starts with an understanding of the life-long impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The impact objectives focus on increasing faculty, staff and student knowledge and changing responses to mental health needs:
  • By Y3/Q4 faculty, staff and students will show a 20% increase over Y1 baseline in knowledge about how to recognize and effectively respond to warning signs of self-harm, suicidality, and substance abuse in others;
  • By the end of Y3/Q4 there will be a 20% increase over Y1 baseline in faculty and staff reporting on student mental health needs;
  • By the end of Y3/Q4 students will show a 20% increase over Y1 baseline in knowledge about mental and substance use disorder services as measured by SPEAKS survey, designed for GLS campuses.
  • By Y2/Q4, students will show a 25% increase over Y1 baseline data in participating in voluntary mental and substance use disorder screenings and assessments

National University

National University Wellness Program National University (NU) is proposing to implement the

NU Wellness Program, including the creation of NU’s first cross functional Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (CARE) team with Wellness resources, such as individual case management, assessment, online treatment opportunities, and referral services for the targeted community. The target population of the program includes all current students attending NU either onsite or online, both undergraduate and graduate. A total of approximately 29,000 students. NU is a Hispanic serving institution with a Latino population of 25%. Ten percent of the population is African American; 58% are female, and 21% are Veterans/Active Duty Military. The Program will augment its current infrastructure to improve effective identification, intervention, and prevention services for all students, including those at risk for the development of suicidal behavior, serious mental illness, and/or substance-related overuse or injury.

Activity #1: Create a network infrastructure to link the institution of higher education with appropriately trained behavioral healthcare providers and community stakeholders.

Activity #2: Train college students, faculty, and staff to respond effectively to college students with mental and substance use disorders.

Activity #3: Administer voluntary mental/ substance use disorder screenings and assessments.

Activity #4: Provide outreach services to inform and notify college students about available mental and substance use disorder services.

The goal of the proposed program is: The NU Wellness Program will augment its current infrastructure to improve effective identification, intervention, and prevention services for all college students, including those at risk for the development of suicidal behavior, serious mental illness, and/or substance-related overuse or injury.

Objective #1 – By month three, develop and implement a centralized reporting system and awareness trainings.

Objective #2 – By month four, utilize the newly-developed centralized reporting system to collect and analyze data

Objective #3 – Beginning in month six, develop and provide online and onsite trainings for students, faculty, and staff.

Objective #4 – In month three, develop case management processes and procedures, and by month four, roll out these policies and procedures to key stakeholders including faculty and staff to begin managing student cases.

Objective #5 – Beginning in month six, offer and expand resources and information for mental health treatment to all students at the University.

Number of people to be served annually: 1,000 and over the 3-year life of the project: 5,000

Montclair State University

Project Suicide Awareness Violence Education and Response (Project SAVER) aims to build and support sustainable infrastructure for suicide and violence prevention at Montclair State University (MSU) and throughout campuses across New Jersey (NJ) by establishing The University and College Alliance for Prevention of Suicide (UCAPS). This statewide collaborative will inform and support all institutions of higher education in NJ as well as MSU, a diverse public institution of higher education located in Montclair, NJ, 14 miles from New York City. MSU is listed as one of Campus Pride’s top 25 LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges and Universities and designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution. The University’s nine colleges and schools serve more than 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students with more than 300 doctoral, master’s and baccalaureate level programs.

In addition to establishing UCAPS, Project SAVER endeavors to:

(1) launch a statewide database of referral resources that MSU students and other universities can access,
(2) implement gatekeeper training for all MSU staff and faculty,
(3) bolster MSU counseling center clinicians’ skills in assessing and treating suicidal ideation and other high risk mental health problems,
(4) augment current outreach via social media and other technology based formats, linking students to crisis supports (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Crisis Text Line),
(5) implement online psychoeducation and training that assists students in battling stress, anxiety and depression, and
(6) shift campus attitudes toward help seeking and decreasing stigma related to mental illness through public messaging campaigns.

These initiatives aim to provide universal prevention to reach all MSU students through one or more facets of Project SAVER, engage all MSU staff and faculty in gatekeeper training by the end of grant funding, and extend the reach of this project to students and staff at universities and colleges across New Jersey through the UCAPS consortium.

Goals and objectives of this project will be evaluated using both quantitative data (data from electronic medical records, surveys, questionnaires, and analytics provided by social media and other web based programs) and qualitative data (Suicide Prevention Committee/UCAPS feedback as well as interviews with and reports from students, faculty/staff, and JED Campus experts). While the majority of Project SAVER programs are intended to reach and impact all MSU students, it is estimated that at least 25% of MSU students (~5,000) will be directly served by one or more components of the proposed project.

Monmouth University

Connect to Wellness at Monmouth University: A Competent Community Initiative (CONNECTWELLMU) is a comprehensive program to address the mental health, health and substance use issues that lead to increased risk for suicide and suicide-related behavior among college students, including military-affiliated (still in service)/veteran, first generation, transfer and graduate students. CONNECTWELLMU widens our safety-net and competent community by expanding connections between campus service providers, between students and services, and between the community and campus to create a deeper level of support for students experiencing mental health and substance use issues, or at-risk for suicide.

  • Goal 1. Improve the connection/infrastructure between students and appropriately trained behavioral health care providers who treat mental health and substance use disorders
  • Objective 1.a. Increase the communication and collaboration between campus mental health (CPS), health and substance use providers
  • Objective 1.b. Increase the communication and collaboration between campus and off-campus resources for general population and high-risk populations (i.e. military-affiliated/veteran students, students reintegrating from hospital; first-generation, and transfer students)
  • Objective 1.c Improve access to timely mental health and substance use services on campus
  • Goal 2. Improve college students’, faculty, and staffs’ ability to effectively respond to college students with mental health and substance use disorders
  • Objective 2.a. Improve clinicians’ ability to effectively assess and manage suicide risk
  • Objective 2.b Improve student and adult gatekeepers’ ability to identify mental health and substance use issues among peers and students
  • Goal 3. Improve early identification of students at-risk for mental health and substance use issues
  • Objective 3.a. Implement selective screening for mental health and suicide risk, using PHQ-9 in health, CPS and substance use services
  • Objective 3.b. Increase identification of students with mental health challenges on campus
  • Objective 3.c. Improve knowledge of sending high schools in suicide prevention
  • Objective 3.d. Develop and disseminate resources for parents/families of general population of students as well as special populations (i.e. military-affiliated/veteran students, students reintegrating from hospital; first-generation, and transfer students)
  • Goal 4. Increase awareness of available mental health and substance use services on- and off-campus
  • Objective 4.a. Create a CONNECTWELLMU web-based portal for campus services and wellness
  • Objective 4.b. Increase student awareness of services and promote help seeking
  • Objective 4.c. Promote National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and crisis services
  • Objective 4.d. Increase faculty (full-time and adjunct) awareness of mental health, substance and other services on campus

Mississippi State University

The MSU It Takes a Community initiative is a new multidisciplinary program at Mississippi State University – Starkville designed to make suicide attempts and death by suicide a never event. Informed by the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and based off the SPRC’s comprehensive suicide prevention program, this new initiative aims to reduce suicides by 1. Increasing student connectedness and fostering belongingness; 2. broadening our mental health network by providing gatekeeper training to student leaders, faculty, and staff; and 3. creating new health and wellness initiatives aimed to help reduce suicidal ideation and encourage help-seeking behaviors. MSU is the largest university in the state of Mississippi with an enrollment of 21,883 students and growing. Although a majority of our students are from the state of Mississippi, 65 percent, we have a large number of out-of-state, 32 percent and international students from 80 countries around the world, 4 percent. Our campus is extremely diverse with 18.6 percent of students being African American and 28.3 percent affiliating with an ethnic minority group. The MSU Initiative has nine primary objectives based upon the SPRC evidence-based model. The project aims to 1. increase our ability to identify and assist students in distress, 2. increase student help-seeking behaviors, 3. provide evidence-based, effective care, 4. improve links between providers to ensure seamless transitions, 5. increasing connectedness, 6. teach new life skills and increase resilience, 7. reduce access to suicide means, 8. implement a postvention plan, and 9. utilize an evidence-based crisis response plan. The focus of the project will be building the infrastructure for a sustainable, evidence-based comprehensive suicide prevention program. Through this funding we aim to train at least 1,000 students, faculty, staff, and community members. We will also build a strong infrastructure through further development and validation of our gatekeeper training, developing a first year student course designed to teach life-skills and improve resilience, improving the mental health services offered on campus, and implementing service-learning opportunities designed to increase connectedness and reduce burdensomeness. Although the grant funding will last only three years, the focus of our initiative is to create a permanent and sustainable suicide prevention network at MSU aimed at making suicide a never event. The project is based upon the recommendations in the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, inspired by Zero Suicide, and takes advantage the SPRC’s evidence-based model for comprehensive suicide prevention.

Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

The Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) Suicide Prevention Project strives to prevent suicide ideation, attempts,and deaths among students by promoting mental wellness and help-seeking behaviors, to support at-risk groups acrossthe College. To achieve this transformational change, the project design utilizes an integrated and coordinated approach.Efforts include: establishing documented evidence-based best practices and procedures; implementing nationallyrecognized prevention strategies; training staff; launching outreach and support to all students (while specificallytargeting those at high-risk) – who are experiencing substance abuse, mental health problems, and life stressors whichmake them vulnerable as well; and creating a strong and beneficial network of community partners and resources. This program will be culturally broad and informed by direct input from students, community partners, faculty, and staff.

Miami Dade College

Miami Dade College’s Project ECHO (Engagement, Connection, Help-seeking, Outreach) will create an infrastructure that saturates Miami Dade College’s eight campuses with suicide prevention and mental health awareness. It will provide training, screening, and outreach to increase the help-seeking behavior of 165,000 students. As one of the largest and most diverse colleges in the nation, Miami Dade College, located in Miami-Dade County, Florida, has designed ECHO to strengthen the college-community help network infrastructure to one that is agile, capacity fluid, and sustainable; increase campus knowledge capital on suicide prevention; and reduce stigma surrounding suicide and help-seeking among a highly-diverse student population. To assess progress toward attainment of its goals, ECHO has the following objectives: 

  • Objective 1 – Network and Infrastructure – By the end of the project period, a comprehensive help network will have been developed as indicated by execution of a minimum of three Memorandums of Understanding with appropriate community providers. 
  • Objective 2 – Training – By the end of each project year, a minimum of 200 core college students, faculty, and staff will receive training on QPR. 
  • Objective 3 – Screening and Assessment – By the end of the project period, a minimum of eight “I Screen, You Screen” screening events will occur (Yr. 1 = 2 campuses, Yr. 2 = 4 campuses, Yr. 3 = 2 campuses). 
  • Objective 4 – Outreach – By the end of each project year, a minimum of 15,000 students will participate in one or more real talk outreach events.

Project ECHO objectives reflect an effort to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and behavioral health issues college-wide in a culturally competent manner and reaching special populations; and to promote help seeking among those at-risk, as well as increasing the knowledge base of the college community to facilitate awareness and early identification of mental and behavioral health issues. The project will directly serve approximately 16,000 students, faculty, and staff annually and nearly 48,000 over the three-year project period, with a potential college-wide impact to 165,000 students plus faculty and staff. All of the program’s activities have been formulated to meet the needs of the commuter college aspect of Miami Dade College and to provide flexibility in implementation across the institution’s eight campuses, which each have a uniquely diverse student population makeup.

Marshall University

Marshall University Suicide Prevention Education Across Campus (MU-SPEAC) program is a collaborative approach between multiple academic and campus departments, including: Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, Public Health, Nursing, Physical Therapy, the School of Pharmacy, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Counseling Center, MU Wellness Center, Office of Veteran’s Affairs, Behavioral Health and Psychology Clinic, LGBTQ Office, Women’s Center, Office of Student Conduct, MU INTO Program, University Residence Halls, Student Support (first generation support), and the Athletic Department. MU-SPEAC will create a comprehensive public health approach to assist individuals at risk for suicidal behavior and to create a safer campus community. The program will also partner with state and community organizations that provide behavioral health support and suicide prevention education. MU-SPEAC will create a campus Advisory Team to provide education and services to prevent suicide among Marshall students. ALL MU students, including specific targeted populations (veterans, athletes, individuals who identify as LGBTQ, first generation, freshmen, medical students, professional groups and other at-risk groups) will be the population served by the programs and services provided in this grant. The taskforce will be comprised of campus and community stakeholders, including students. MU is a multi-campus, public university that provides undergraduate and graduate education to 13,000 students in West Virginia. MU-SPEAC is a public health approach that will consist of developing and providing culturally sensitive training to teach staff and faculty the necessary skills to provide evidence-based screening and intervention for individuals who are at risk for suicidal behavior and other related risk factor behaviors, such as substance misuse. This public health approach will target students at the universal, selective, and indicated levels. Universal strategies will target the entire MU student body to increase population based health and prevention. Specific programs at the level will include: education, gatekeeper training, awareness activities, social marketing, and working to increase help-seeking behavior, while decreasing stigma. Selected populations who have been shown to be at risk for suicide behavior, mental health concerns, and substance misuse will be targeted with suicide prevention strategies. Finally, MU-SPEAC will provide targeted clinical and prevention strategies toward Indicated groups on campus. These will be students who have made a suicide attempt, are in treatment for depression and anxiety, express suicidal thoughts/ideation and plans, are survivors of loss due to suicide, are recovering from substance misuse, and who are survivors of loss due to substance misuse. The MU-SPEAC grant will provide a collaborative framework to develop and implement a comprehensive public health approach using evidence-based programs and practices to address suicide on Marshall University’s campus.

Kent State University

The More Aware Initiative (MAI) is a comprehensive, collaborative, innovative, and unified approach to improving student mental health and wellness, while working to eliminate suicide among Kent State University (KSU) students. In fall 2017, 39,367 students were enrolled at KSU, with 71.2% at the main campus. About 60% are female and 70% are Caucasian. Recent data indicate that KSU students have a higher rate of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide in the last 12 months as compared college students nationally. Over the past five years, suicide attempts, ideation, and threats have generally increased for KSU students. To promote positive mental health and decrease suicidal ideation and attempts at KSU, the initiative will achieve five primary objectives: 1) Infrastructure: develop a comprehensive and coordinated network infrastructure to expand and enhance mental health, substance abuse and related programming and services for the KSU community. The network infrastructure will include peer-led programming and activities designed to improve student mental health and wellness and reduce incidents of students in crisis, 2) Gatekeeper Trainings: offer expanded and comprehensive options for students, faculty, staff, and families to become gatekeepers through online Kognito and QPR trainings and in-person Mental Health First Aid gatekeeper trainings, 3) Mental Health Screenings: promote and offer expanded in-person and online mental health and substance abuse screenings, 4) Increase Awareness of Mental Health Services: develop and implement a comprehensive campaign to promote and raise awareness of mental health and substance use and related issues and services. The campaign will include the creation of branding, developing student service materials, and unification and enhancement of campus mental health web pages, and 5) Increase Prevention Efforts: raise awareness and provide education to students through a peer-led initiative to provide innovative programming and activities. The initiative will develop and host Flash-Up events on the KSU main and all 7 regional campuses that will substantially increase the current reach of mental health and wellness-related programming and activities. Programming will be used to disseminate educational materials, improve mental wellness, raise awareness, increase coping skills and improve resiliency among approximately 39,000 students annually and 117,000 throughout the lifetime of the project. Aspects of the initiative, will specifically focus on at-risk groups such as students identifying as LGBTQ. The initiative will collect data from a variety of sources and levels not only to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative as a whole, but to assess individual programs and activities as promising practices.

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins Suicide Prevention Awareness, Response and Coordination (JH-SPARC) provides a continuum of suicide prevention training, screening and resources to advance the development of a comprehensive suicide prevention and early intervention service system for all Johns Hopkins students. JH-SPARC will increase the number of undergraduates, graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows identified, referred and receiving quality behavioral health services, with a focus on serving high risk populations (LGBTQ, veterans and military families, students with emotional and behavioral concerns). This project will be conducted in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program, the JHU Counseling Center, and University Mental Health Services as well as several student groups including Active Minds. JH-SPARC will develop a feasible, practical, sustainable and effective approach to prevent suicide in students.

Goals are to:

1) broaden public awareness of suicide by utilizing marketing and dissemination/ diffusion efforts related to suicide prevention for students;
2) use the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Interactive screening program;
3) increase training opportunities for resident assistants and others on campus who work with students by providing QPR gatekeeper training;
4) provide enhanced parent and student orientation sessions and materials; and
5) conduct continuous quality improvement and evaluation of outcomes.

QPR gatekeeper training will include an engaging and interactive training session. This educational approach will be tailored to the JHU context and address:

1) how to recognize suicide risk upstream,
2) communication and interpersonal skills including how to ask directly about suicide and how to provide support, and
3) how to address stigma and barriers to help-seeking.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Interactive Screening Program (ISP) approach aims to reduce barriers to care by providing a safe and secure online screening platform that allows individuals to anonymously connect and dialogue with a behavioral health professional. The number of students in any one year who would benefit from this project is approximately 22,311.