Lifeline at the State Level: State Communication Reports

“If knowledge is power, let’s spread it as widely as possible.”

This presentation will provide an in-depth breakdown of a new resource for State Suicide Prevention Coordinators: the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s state communication reports. These reports (now available on the SPRC website here) are specially designed for every state and territory, detailing call volume, including where the calls are answered, and which providers in every state participate with the Lifeline. Additionally, the Lifeline will provide a program overview, including standards in best practices, and why hotlines are cost effective resources for every state, and will answer any questions participants have about the Lifeline network and supporting crisis centers in their state.

Webinar Recording

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Action Alliance Webinar: Faith.Hope.Life:The Role of Faith Communities in Suicide Prevention

Faith communities of all traditions have an important part to play in fostering mental health and helping prevent suicide. Faith leaders are on the “front lines” –the first people many turn to in times of emotional or spiritual crises. Moreover, our congregations offer the faith and hope needed to get through the most difficult of times. This webinar offers practical information about suicide prevention for faith leaders and it highlights the many ways congregations foster mental health–through “communities of connection,” narratives of hope, worship and educational resources, and advocacy in the wider community. The webinar will introduce an exciting initiative entitled Faith.Hope.Life; a campaign designed to equip faith community leaders with resources and information about suicide prevention. Participants will learn how to use Faith.Hope.Life to promote mental health and wellness, and prevent suicide within the context of faith communities. Both faith community leaders (clergy and lay) and suicide prevention practitioners who are interested in working with faith community leaders to help prevent suicide are encouraged to participate. 

Rev. Talitha Arnold, Co-lead Faith Communities Task Force, Senior Minister United Church of Santa Fe (United Church of Christ)

Dr. Farha Abassi, MD. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Core Faculty, Muslim Studies Program, Michigan State University. 

Efrem Epstein, Founder of Elijah’s Journey , a non-profit focused on suicide awareness/prevention in the Jewish community. He is also the CMO of Docz, an online community for those struggling with issues related to mental health.

Learning Objectives/Goals: 

  • Familiarize participants with the components of the Faith.Hope.Life Initiative
  • Describe the resources on the Faith.Hope.Life website as a go to resource for the broader topic of Suicide Prevention and faith communities
  • Discuss the ways that faith leaders and congregations can build on the strengths of their faith traditions to foster mental health and help prevent suicide.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ‘1-800-273-TALK (8255)’ National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Suicide Awareness Voices of Education American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – New York City ChapterAmerican Association of Suicidology No Shame On U Elijah’s Journey AFSP Illinois Chapter Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention International Evangelical Lutheran Church in America NAMI FaithNet Discussion Group National Resilience Institute

Webinar Recording

Campus Sustainability Training Series #2 Cultivate Partnerships

This virtual workshop series will provide Campus GLS grantees with the knowledge, skills, and tools to continue their suicide prevention efforts beyond the end of their grant. The four-part workshop training will include stories and strategies from fellow grantees, peer ideas and feedback, exercises and group discussions, and will help individual grant teams create sustainability action plans for their suicide prevention activities or work in their campus community. The workshop series is designed specifically for 2nd and 3rd year campus GLS grantees who have established a grant infrastructure and activities and are ready to begin incorporating sustainability planning into their efforts. Drawing on adult learning principles, each session will build on the previous sessions, as well as on planning assignments and activities participants will complete between sessions. By the end of the series, grantees will have sustainability action plans that they can begin to implement as they move toward the final months of their grant.

Webinar Notes.pdf

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Action Alliance Webinar: Community-Based Approaches to Suicide Prevention: New Resources and Future Directions

Suicide remains one of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. claiming more 44,000 lives in 2015 alone and causing tremendous pain and loss to communities across the country. Fortunately we know that suicide is preventable. The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) and its national partners, including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the SAMHSA-funded Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), and others have united to unveil new tools aimed at improving community-based suicide prevention efforts nationwide.  

This webinar provides an overview of these two new resources; Transforming Communities: Key Elements for Comprehensive Community-based Suicide Prevention and Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices.

Campus Sustainability Training Series #3 Building Momentum and Fostering Leadership

This virtual workshop series will provide Campus GLS grantees with the knowledge, skills, and tools to continue their suicide prevention efforts beyond the end of their grant. The four-part workshop training will include stories and strategies from fellow grantees, peer ideas and feedback, exercises and group discussions, and will help individual grant teams create sustainability action plans for their suicide prevention activities or work in their campus community. The workshop series is designed specifically for 2nd and 3rd year campus GLS grantees who have established a grant infrastructure and activities and are ready to begin incorporating sustainability planning into their efforts. Drawing on adult learning principles, each session will build on the previous sessions, as well as on planning assignments and activities participants will complete between sessions. By the end of the series, grantees will have sustainability action plans that they can begin to implement as they move toward the final months of their grant.

Webinar Notes

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Zero Suicide Webinar: Data-Driven Quality Improvement in Zero Suicide

In a Zero Suicide approach, a data-driven quality improvement approach involves assessing two main categories: fidelity to the essential systems, policy, and patient-care components of the Zero Suicide model, and patient-care outcomes that should come about when the organization implements those essential components. Zero Suicide implementation teams should identify key clinical care outcomes that indicate systems-level and clinical practice changes are having an impact, and establish systems to collect these data regularly to monitor areas for change and continuous improvement. Reviewing the existing quality improvement measures in the behavioral health field may be informative for establishing systematic data collection in your organization. In addition to quantitative data, organizations can also consider collecting qualitative data that assesses individuals’ experience and satisfaction receiving care. 

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to (1) understand how data collection can be used to enhance the care that health and behavioral health care organizations provide to individuals at risk of suicide, (2) describe the current status of quality improvement measures in the suicide prevention field, and (3) describe how one organization used data to improve suicide risk assessment practices.

Data-Driven Quality Improvement in Suicide Prevention

Campus Sustainability Training Series #4 Secure Funding & Resources

This virtual workshop series will provide Campus GLS grantees with the knowledge, skills, and tools to continue their suicide prevention efforts beyond the end of their grant. The four-part workshop training will include stories and strategies from fellow grantees, peer ideas and feedback, exercises and group discussions, and will help individual grant teams create sustainability action plans for their suicide prevention activities or work in their campus community. The workshop series is designed specifically for 2nd and 3rd year campus GLS grantees who have established a grant infrastructure and activities and are ready to begin incorporating sustainability planning into their efforts. Drawing on adult learning principles, each session will build on the previous sessions, as well as on planning assignments and activities participants will complete between sessions. By the end of the series, grantees will have sustainability action plans that they can begin to implement as they move toward the final months of their grant.

Webinar Notes

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Action Alliance Webinar: Developing Successful and Positive Suicide Prevention Messaging

Research shows that certain types of messaging about suicide deaths can increase risk among vulnerable individuals. Conversely, positive and safe messages have the potential to help individuals in crisis find the help they need, and educate the public about how they can be involved in preventing suicide. Recognizing this potential, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) and its partners are leading efforts designed to “change the public conversation about suicide and suicide prevention.”
While resources already existed to help journalists cover suicide in news reports, little guidance was available to guide other suicide prevention messengers. The Action Alliance’s Framework for Successful Messaging (link is external)(Framework) fills that gap. Drawing from research on effective communications and suicide prevention, the Framework is a resource to help those communicating to the public about suicide to create messages that are strategic, safe, positive, and make use of relevant guidelines and best practices.

Webinar Presenters 

Mark Weber, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs/Human Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Executive Committee Member and Changing the Conversation Priority Initiative Co-Lead, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention

Dr. April Foreman, Suicide Prevention Coordinator Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System Department of Veterans Affairs; Changing the Conversation Priority Initiative Member, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention

Linda Langford, Sc.D. Evaluation and Communication Scientist, Suicide Prevention Resource Center

This webinar provides:

  • An overview of the four elements of the Framework for Successful Messaging and how this resource helps to change the public conversation about suicide.
  • Tips and guidance for using the Framework to message to create messages that are strategic, safe, and aligned with prevention goals.
  • The importance of well-designed messaging during Suicide Prevention Month – and throughout the year.

Suicide Surveillance Strategies for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities

SPRC’s Tribal Suicide Surveillance Project has completed a yearlong inquiry, which began in spring 2016, of key informants and tribal Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grantees. Results including challenges encountered and strategies used to address suicide data topics such as taboo, data sharing, and gaining leadership buy-in will be discussed. Current GLS Project Director with American Indian Health and Family Services, Lauren Lockhart, will also present on their methods of data collection through community screening events and incorporating youth voice in the screening measure.  Webinar participants will also be engaged in audience poll questions to foster a co-learning and open discussion environment.

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Zero Suicide Webinar: Safe Care Transitions in a Zero Suicide Framework

In a Zero Suicide approach, safe suicide care in health and behavioral health organizations involves establishing guidelines and protocols that create smooth and uninterrupted care transitions across and within care settings. It is equally important to address suicide risk at every visit within an organization, from one behavioral health clinician to another or between primary care and behavioral health staff in integrated care settings. Some examples of innovative approaches to providing safe care transitions include establishing practices that remove barriers to scheduling follow-up appointments, creating agreements between acute care settings and outpatient providers to deliver care to discharged patients within 24 hours, using supportive contacts, involving peer support, and utilizing crisis services to provide care coordination and follow-up. During this webinar, presenters will help participants think of ways they can improve safe care transitions through their organizational policies using a variety of tools and resources.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to (1) Identify key care transition practices and partnerships for patients discharged from inpatient to outpatient care, (2) describe how one organization includes voices of individuals with lived experience in care transition practices, and (3) demonstrate how health and behavioral health organizations can establish partnerships with crisis service organizations to augment care transition practices.

Safe Care Transitions in a Zero Suicide Framework