State and Territorial Advisory Committee

SPRC’s State and Territorial Advisory Committee:

  • Strengthens SPRC’s collaborative relationships with states and territories
  • Advises SPRC on the development of products for states, territories, and communities about suicide prevention best practices and supports
  • Helps ensure the cultural responsiveness of the national resources SPRC develops and disseminates for use by states and territories

Jennifer Armstrong

Jennifer Armstrong, MSSW, has over 24 years of experience in behavioral healthcare, including work in therapeutic foster care and school-based, residential, outpatient, and crisis services. She received a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee at Martin, and a Master of Science in Clinical Social Work from the University of Tennessee at... Read more

Jill Baker

Jill Baker, MS, serves as the manager for Oregon’s Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan at the Oregon Health Authority.  She holds a Masters in School Counseling, and a Bachelor of Social Work. Since 2019, Baker has led state policy development around suicide prevention. Before that, she worked in middle and high schools as a school counselor and did... Read more

Lindsay DeCamp

Lindsay DeCamp, MS, is the state suicide prevention coordinator in the Injury and Violence Prevention Section of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. She oversees the day-to-day operations and implementation of the Transforming Youth Suicide Prevention in Michigan program. DeCamp has a decade of experience in the suicide prevention and mental healt... Read more

Barri Faucett

Barri Faucett, MA, currently serves as the director of Prevent Suicide WV, overseeing and implementing directives designed to address suicide prevention and intervention for all West Virginians. Her work involves managing and developing program objectives, activities, procedures and protocols for effective suicide prevention and intervention efforts; providing over... Read more

Quinn Lewandowski

Quinn Lewandowski, MS, is a research manager at the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. He previously served as the project director for Nebraska’s 2019-2024 SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant and currently leads the state’s 2023-2027 CDC Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Grant. Since 2017, Lewandowski has been president of the Nebr... Read more

Austin Lucas

Austin Lucas, BS, serves as the program director for the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation (OSPF). He has been employed with OSPF since 2018. In this role, he manages suicide prevention programming, training, events, education, and resources for federal, state, and foundation grants. Lucas serves as the project lead for the Suicide Prevention Plan for Ohio Impleme... Read more

Melissa Markegard

Melissa Markegard, MS, CHES, has worked in the suicide prevention and mental health field for 10 years. She is currently the suicide prevention administrator for North Dakota’s Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Division. In this role, Markegard oversees North Dakota’s Suicide Fatality Review Commission. She is a member of the North Dakota Suicide Pre... Read more

Dave Miers

Dave Miers, PhD, is the senior director of behavioral health services at Bryan Medical Center in Lincoln, Neb., where he has worked for 28 years. Dr. Miers received a BS from Nebraska Wesleyan University, an MS from St. Cloud State University, and a PhD from the University of Nebraska. He is a Licensed Independent Professional Counselor, a suicidologist, and a memb... Read more

Nayda I. Román-Vázquez

Dr. Nayda I. Román-Vázquez, PhD, earned a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus. Since 2015, she has been working at the Puerto Rico Department of Health’s Commission on Suicide Prevention, the government entity responsible for implementing suicide prevention public policy in Puerto Rico. She has developed and offered ... Read more

KristiAnna Santos Whitman

KristiAnna Santos Whitman, MA, PhD, is a daughter of Guam and the proud mother of one. She manages Guam’s Garrett Lee Smith grant, Focus on Life, which is administered by the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, the island’s state mental health agency. Dr. Whitman is a licensed professional counselor and received a bachelor’s degree from the Un... Read more

Anna C. Sever

Anna C. Sever, MS, is a behavioral health professional with experience overseeing statewide programs, working on statewide grants, conducting empirical research, and providing crisis and bereavement counseling. She currently works at the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN). Before taking on her role at TSPN, she was the director of the Florida Statew... Read more

Kristen Smith

Kristen Smith, PhD, is an assistant professor in health systems management at Rush University in Chicago, Ill. Previously, she served as the program coordinator for Michigan’s CDC-funded, Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program, Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men (PRiSMM). Dr. Smith has been working in the field of mental health and substance use disorder and su... Read more

Hannah Spector

Hannah Spector, MPH, serves as the suicide systems coordinator for the Virginia Department of Health. In this role, she supports Virginia’s Garrett Lee Smith grant subrecipients. She holds a BA in anthropology and human rights from Columbia University and an MPH in maternal and child health from the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill. ... Read more

Angela Sullivan

Angela Sullivan, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Behavior and assistant dean for Student & Academic Services at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health. She holds a BS and an MS in criminal justice from Troy University, as well as a PhD in health education and promotion from UAB. Dr. Sullivan is the immed... Read more

Lisa Sullivan

Lisa Sullivan, MS, is the executive director of the Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative, a statewide non-profit dedicated to strengthening community-focused suicide prevention outcomes to help Texans find a brighter tomorrow. In this role, Sullivan’s responsibilities include overall operations and administration of the Texas Suicide Prevention Collabora... Read more

Kelsea Tucker

Kelsea Tucker, MS, has worked on the delivery and management of community and place-based public health initiatives for 11 years in the areas of domestic violence, diabetes prevention and control, and suicide prevention. She has been the with the Rhode Island Department of Health for seven years, the past two of which she has been with the Violence and Injury Preve... Read more