The coordination & integration of fatality reviews: Improving health & safety outcomes across the life course

This document reports on a meeting convened in Washington DC to identify opportunities and challenges associated with enhancing collaboration between death reviews for the purpose of improving outcomes across the lifespan. Thirty-seven state and national leaders of death review programs such as CDR, FIMR, MMR, DVFR, CRP, and EAFR programs gathered with twelve federal partners to affirm the importance of joint reviews and to develop guidance for states to enhance coordination across review processes.
The meeting led to affirmation among participants that collaboration is important and can be a catalyst for moving from reviews to prevention. While not all participants believed extensive coordination across all reviews is feasible, most participants acknowledged that substantial benefits for improving prevention outcomes from reviews could be realized through improving coordination.

See This Resource

Author: National Center for Review and Prevention of Child Deaths at the Michigan Publ;ic health Institute

Year Published/Updated: 2012

Resource Type: Guidelines/Recommendations