Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage SAFE-T Pocket Card

The SAFE-T card guides clinicians through five steps which address the patient’s level of suicide risk and suggests appropriate interventions. It is intended to provide an accessible and portable resource for the mental health professional whose clinical practice includes suicide risk assessment. The card lists key risk and protective factors that should be considered in the course of completing the five steps and addresses both adult and adolescent populations. 

The Suicide Assessment Five-step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) pocket card provides protocols for developing treatment plans and interventions responsive to the risk level of patients. It also includes brief triage and documentation guidelines.

The SAFE-T pocket card should only be used by healthcare and mental healthcare professionals, and those who have otherwise been trained to work with those at risk for suicide. 

See This Resource

Author: Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Year Published/Updated: 2009

Resource Type: Brochure/Booklet