Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals – Update 2017

Updated in 2017, this resource briefly summarizes the evidence on the impact of media reporting of suicide, and provides guidelines for media professionals about how to report on suicide. It encourages caution in reporting suicide, recognizes that there are times when a suicide will need to be reported on the grounds of its newsworthiness and makes suggestions about how best to ensure that such reporting is accurate, responsible and ethical. Special considerations for digital media and mass shootings/terrorism are also included. It is accompanied by a quick guide.

The booklet is part of a series for specific social and professional groups that are particularly relevant to the prevention of suicide and is released by a continuing collaboration by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) to address worldwide suicide. 

See This Resource

Author: World Health Organization (WHO) and International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

Year Published/Updated: 2017

Resource Type: Guidelines/Recommendations