This beta website replaces the online Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). It provides access to a searchable database of all Federal programs available to state and local governments, Tribes, Territories and Island Nations of the United States, domestic public and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions, specialized groups and individuals.
Resource Types: Database
Blueprints for healthy youth development
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a registry of evidence-based positive youth development programs. Blueprints programs are identified based upon an initial review of a program’s evaluation evidence by Blueprints staff. An advisory board consisting of seven experts in the field of positive youth development conducts a final review and recommendation. The 5% of submitted programs which meet their selection criteria are designated as “promising” or “model”. Promising programs meet the minimum standard of effectiveness. Model programs meet a higher standard and provide greater confidence in the program’s capacity to change behavior. One suicide prevention program is listed as a promising program in Blueprints.
SAMHSA’s Evidence-based practices resource center
This Resource Center contains a collection of science-based resources for a broad range of audiences. The resources include Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, clinical practice guidelines, and other resource types. Users can search by topic area, substance, or condition, as well as by resource type, target population (e.g., Youth, Adult), and target audience (e.g., resource for Clinicians, Prevention Professionals, Patients, Policymakers). This Resource Center is especially useful for identifying resources relevant to the effective care and treatment of people with serious mental illness, a population that is at higher risk for suicide.
Oregon Violent Death Reporting System (ORVDRS) data dashboard
Drawing on Oregon’s Violent Death reporting System, this database provides statistics by year, county, age group, sex, mechanism, circumstances and race/ethnicity. It also provides trends and information on suicide among veterans.
Arizona County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
Website with a database searchable by county for every state in the U.S. for health outcomes and health factors for the years 2011 – 2016. Also on this website are data reports for each state.
Connecticut Clearinghouse
A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics. Has a searchable database of treatment facilities and helplines in Connecticut.
After a suicide resource directory: Coping with grief, trauma, and distress
“After a Suicide” is a portal linking people who are grieving after a death by suicide to an online directory of resources and information to help them cope with their loss. The directory also lists items for people who want to offer support and assistance to the suicide bereaved. New resources are added as they become available.
Your Voice Counts
A searchable resource containing all of the materials from California’s Know the Signs suicide prevention social marketing campaign.
Suicide prevention data center (SPDC)
This website provides access to portions of data collected during cross-site evaluations of grantees of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, a program supporting suicide prevention among individuals aged 10-24. Aggregated data are available from the evaluations for all state, campus, tribal or state/tribal grantees for all cohorts, all years, under broad topics after agreeing to terms of use. There is also a mechanism for requesting raw data.
Themes of data reports include: Suicide Prevention Strategies; Suicide Prevention Trainings; Identification, Referral, and Services Received by Youth At-risk for Suicide; and Perceptions of Suicide and Suicide Prevention on College Campuses